Composites Braiding
- Determines the continuous variation of fiber angles, coverage and material thicknesses
around the cross section and along the part for a better mandrel shape generation and
more accurate results.
- Provides a seamless link to computation and manufacturing tools, for an integrated and
efficient process.
- Allows the optimization of the braiding parameters along the components (improved
fiber angles) to meet mechanical requirements at minimum cost.
To achieve these capabilities, Composites Braiding supports
- Target angle/coverage ratio,
- Or variable input parameters such as:
- Braiding ring geometry
- Machines parameters such as the number of carriers, variable
speeds, material data, tow strength.
- Multiple fiber directions to support braiding (clockwise,
anticlockwise, axial directions). Axial fiber directions are
defined by crossing clockwise and anti-clockwise fibers. Composites Braiding provides a reliable computation of the intersection of
braided fibers, and the definition of the continuous axial
The resulting thickness is used to compute the final surfaces.
Buckling, i.e. negative strain in fiber direction, is not
Simulation runs
- On multi-layers braided parts.
- Outwards, from the mandrel surface towards the outer part surface
(The model is the mandrel surface).
- And inwards, from the outer part surface towards the mandrel surface
(The model is the desired final surface).
Simulation also allows the definition of starting and finishing
lengths, as the braiding process begins before the leading end and
ends after the trailing end of the mandrel.
The simulated mandrel speeds are transferred to the braiding
computer and provide accurate results.
Producibility for Braiding provides
- The display of braiding results (coverage, deviation, separation,
thickness, concavity), using user-defined scales.
- The visualization of concave areas from the braiding perspective.
Composites Braiding provides export capabilities
- Via a layup file (Layer properties, areal weight from each layer,
support for RTM simulation).
- Via a XML file (mandrel path and speed) to be used by braiding
Composites Braiding is a nativeapp available
on the Cloud or on Premises.
For information on accessing Composites Braiding, see Opening an app from the Compass topic in the Getting
Started User's Guide.
This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It
is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others
to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of
parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP
Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative:
Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.