Adding Rosettes

You can add rosettes and specify their transfer type.

  • This task is available in Composites Design, Composites Manufacturing Preparation.
  • An alternative is to use Power Copy.

    For more information, see Managing Power Copies in Generative Shape Design User's Guide.

Tip: An alternative is to use Power Copy.

For more information, see Managing Power Copies in Generative Shape Design User's Guide.

  1. From the Plies Design or from the Grid Design section of the action bar, click Composites Parameters .
  2. Select the Rosettes tab and click Add Rosette.
  3. Optional: Edit the proposed name.
  4. Select an axis system.
  5. Select a Transfer Type.

    See About Rosette and Rosette Transfer Type for more information.

  6. For 0° guided by curve and 90° guided by curve, select the guide curve (neutral fiber curve).
  7. Click Preview Rosette Transfer.

    See Previewing the Rosette

  8. Specify the display size of the rosette.

    Tip: Each rosette can have its own display size.

    • With Constant pixel size, the rosette display is independent from the zoom. It has always the same size, given in pixels.
    • With Constant model size, the rosette display follows the zoom, like any geometry.

The created rosettes are listed in the dialog box, with their name, the name of the axis system they use and the type of transfer.

They are created under Composites Parameters, under the Rosettes node, as Rosette.x. The transfer type is aggregated under each rosette.

Rosettes are editable and can be deleted.