Enter the following details:
Type: The qualification type.
Name: The name for the qualification.
Usage Location: Enter the location or click
and search the usage location.
Preference: Select whether the location is Preferred or Not Preferred.
Qualification Description: Enter the qualification description details.
Preference Score: Enter the preference score.
Manufacturer: Enter the company name.
Manufacturer Location : Select the supplier location from the drop down menu.
Choose Assembly: Keep the field blank to create a qualification without context of BOM.
Note that Qualification gets categorised as QML1 or QML2 type based on the selection of value for Supplier Location field without the context of a BOM. If value for this field is selected then it is QML1 type or else QML2.
Note that Qualification gets categorised as BQML1 or BQML2 type based on the selection of value for Supplier Location field in context of a BOM. If value for this field is selected then it is BQML1 type else BQML2.