- Select a Mode.
Under Reference plies, select the first Plies Group to process.
The plies it contains are the Reference plies -
Under Plies to be merged, select the second plies group.
Check the status of each couple of plies.
Select a line in the dialog box:
Use the Down or Up arrow to move plies one rank downward or upward.
- Click Remove in Reference plies to remove one reference ply or in Plies to be merged to remove one ply to be merged (only the relevant one is available).
- Once the status allows it, right-click it to merge or not merge plies.
- Optional: Select the Check connections check box and enter required values.
Once all the KO are solved,
click OK to start the merge and exit the dialog box. A message informs you of how the merge will be done. Click OK to validate.