Synchronizing Stacking and Virtual Stacking

Synchronize Stacking synchronizes a virtual stacking with its linked plied group.

  1. Optional: By default, a virtual stacking and its linked plies group are proposed. Modify the selection as required, for example if the link is broken.

    Warning: Selecting another plies group deletes existing links (if any) and creates new ones.

  2. Select one or both types of analysis to perform. Click Launch analysis.
    Synchronize Stacking looks for:
    • Geometrical covering
    • Logical covering based on the reference elements defining the contour of the virtual ply. It verifies that the corresponding ply contour uses matching ramp support curves.

    The status of each element is displayed. A global control is run when the Virtual Stacking has been edited.

    To improve the space required by plies, the existing ramp curves of the ply to modify are reused.

    Angle cuts are kept at the condition that the neighbor geometry has not been modified.

  3. Select plies and choose one action (Ignore Selected, Ignore all, Consider selected or Consider all).

    Available also in context menu

  4. Select the Synchronization direction and the synchronization Covering mode.

    Note: From Ply Group to Virtual Stacking starts Plies From Virtual Stacking.

  5. Click Launch synchronization.
  6. If the synchronization has not been completed, revert to the dialog box and solve remaining issues.