Select a grid panel.
- Cells are created.
- They are selectable both in the 3D area and the dialog box.
- Cells that share
the same laminate are displayed in the same color.
Select the Display label check box and click Options to define the information to display.
Enter a
threshold value and click Run to detect micro cells.
Although it is time-consuming, start the detection at the
creation of the grid, or after a modification of the structure of the cells.
To add a cell, click
Add and select the reference elements that form the contour of the cell.
- Choose No to create the cell without laminate information.
- Choose Yes to edit the cell as explained below, in particular to add laminate information.
Select cells and click Edit.
- Select the cells version to modify
- Select a laminate to apply to the selection, or create a new one.
- Only if you have selected one cell, edit its name and modify the cell contour definition.
Select at least two cells and click Merge to merge them in a single one.
- To split cells:
- Select at least two cells and click Split
. - Select a reference element that
splits the cells.
This reference element must intersect the cells only twice.
- To define or edit a grid outside the 3DEXPERIENCE platform:
- Select a version of the grid.
- Enter the storage directory and name of the export file. Supported formats are .txt, .xls or .xlsx. Click Export.
- Edit the exported file.
- Enter the storage directory and name of the import file. Click Import.
You can also create an import file from scratch.
- You can import laminate information from an existing virtual stacking.
- Select a version of the grid.
- Select a virtual stacking.
Define how to save the laminate information (Stacking sequence or thickness
- Click Import.