Creating a Producibility for Hand Layup

Producibility for Hand Layup creates a producibility for hand layup that contains the basic input required for a fiber simulation. Looking for overlaps helps you understand there is too much fabric in an area, requiring a cutout or a dart.

  1. Select the ply.
  2. Select the propagation type.
  3. If available, define a Smooth Region.
    1. Select a close curve lying on the ply surface, or a surface that intersects the ply surface resulting in a closed curve.
      The curve provides the partition between a region of low strain and a region of high strain on the ply surface.
    2. Right-click the selection to clear it.
    3. Click Edit to specify continuity options for the surface created from the selected curve (Ignored if you have selected a surface).
    4. Click Preview to inspect the smooth surface.
  4. Define a seed point.
    1. Choose Selection and pick an existing point.
    2. Or select Indication and pick a location on the ply. Use the handles to drag the seed point.
    3. Or select Geometrical Center.
      The fiber direction is displayed in blue.
    4. Click Preview.
      The fiber simulation is displayed.
  5. Alternatively, create or select a Guide curve (if available), and a corresponding option.

    An open wireframe is recognized as a seed curve, a closed one as a region.

  6. Define a Mesh Step Length.
  7. Click Optimize to display quality measures to help you toward an acceptable result.
    1. Right-click an objective to select another one.
    2. Right-click Target num points to edit it.
    3. Click OK.

    A colored marker displays the maximum deformation and allowed values, enabling an at-a-glance visualization of the best areas to begin draping.

    On completion, the seed point is the optimum point, specified as an indication point.

  8. Select the Material tab to retrieve information about the material referenced by the ply and edit some parameters.
  9. Select the Thickness Update tab to activate it.
    1. Select a type of computation.
    2. Select the type of elements to process.
    3. Enter required parameters.
  10. Select the Advanced Parameters tab to fine-tune the simulation.

    Parameters vary with the selected propagation type.

  11. Select the Results tab to
    1. Control the display of results appropriate to the physics underlying the solution.
    2. Animate the producibility result.
    3. Perform a producibility inspection.
    4. Select the fibers to keep.
  12. Select the Geometry Creation tab to
    1. Transfer geometry from 3D to 2D.
    2. Categorize elements.
    3. Keep Fiber Mesh Curves.