About Generative View Styles for Composites Design

Generative View Styles (GVS) let you customize the appearance of drawings by a set of parameters defined in an XML file. Some generative view style parameters are specifically available to produce customized drawings from parts designed in the Composites Design. It is the administrator's job to provide suitable styles.

This page discusses:

1D and 2D Geometry

GVS files enable the generation of 3D points and wireframe elements.


<std:node name="Drafting">
<!-- Drafting parameters- >
<std:node name="Generate">

You must valuate:

  • 3DPoints: Manages the generation or not of point type elements.
    <std:node name="3DPoints">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval> 
  • Wireframe: Manages the generation of lines and surfacic elements.
     <std:node name="Wireframe"> 
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval> 

3D Color Inheritance

GVS files enable the management of 3D color inheritance during 2D Layout generation process; this capability enables to apply (or not) colors specified as Graphical Properties (Point / Line / Fill) of extracted 3D elements on their drawing representation.

The Drafting extraction process takes into account inheritance GVS attributes under Drafting/View DressUp/3Dinheritance node.

  • 3DPoints/Color attribute: Manages color inheritance of point type elements (Yes/No)
    <std:node name="3DPoints">
    <std:node name="Color">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Symbol">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Name">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>
  • Wireframe/Color attribute: Manages color inheritance of lines and surfacic elements (Yes/No)
    <std:node name="Wireframe">
    <std:node name="Color">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Linetype">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Thickness">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
  • Solid/Color attribute: Manages color inheritance of solids (Yes/No)
    <std:node name="Solid">
    <std:node name="Color">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Linetype">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>
    <std:node name="Thickness">
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">Yes</std:enumval>

However, you can overwrite these inheritance properties for Composites entities thanks to GVS attributes in Composites Design/Ply and Composites Design/Core sections.

  • Overwrite Color Inheritance forces the application of 3D Color graphical property on 2D representation of Composites elements. It manages color inheritance for ply, cut-pieces, or core features dress-up.
    <std:node name="Overwrite color inheritance">
    <!--Extraction Flag to force color of ply even if
    Drafting\ViewDressup\3DInheritance\WireFrame\Color = No (Yes/No)-
    <!--Default Value=Yes- >
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>
    • Yes = Force application of 3D color graphical property.
    • No = Use of Drafting/View DressUp/3Dinheritance GVS attributes.

Note: In the drawing view, ply contour lines may be hidden by 2D representation of surfacic and solid elements. To avoid this, in the Drafting Preferences, specify Project 3D wireframe as Is always visible.

Ply Highlight Shell

In the Ply section, the Composites GVS attribute Highlight Shell allows the generation of a shaded ply/cut-piece, without generating the exploded surface in 3D part.

The highlight shell inherits its color from the father ply/cut-piece contour.

<std:node name="Highlight shell">
<!--Extraction Flag for ply highlight shell (Yes/No)- >
<!--Default Value=No- >
<std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

Note: If the ply/cut-piece highlight shell is not stored in the representation, generating or updating the view creates it and therefore modifies the representation.

Seed Point

In the Ply section, the Composites GVS attribute Seed Point allows the generation of the projection of the ply/cut piece seed point (both location or indication types).

Note: This capability is only available if producibility parameters have been computed on this feature.
<std:node name="Seed point">
<!--Extraction Flag for ply seed point (Yes/No)- >
<!--Default Value=No- >
<std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

Seed Curve

In the Ply section, the Composites GVS attribute Seed Curve allows the generation of the projection of ply/cut piece seed curve (available with another app).

Note: This capability is only available if producibility parameters have been computed on this feature.
<std:node name="Seed curve">
<!--Extraction Flag for ply seed curve (Yes/No)- >
<!--Default Value=No- >
<std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

Ply/Cut-piece Rosette and Ply/Cut-piece Name

In the Ply section, the Composites GVS attributes Rosette and Name allow the generation of the ply name and rosette.

  • The ply name: Symbolic text containing ply alias.
    <std:node name="Name">
    <!--Extraction Flag for ply name (Yes/No)- >
    <!--Default Value=No- >
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>
  • The ply rosette: 0deg/90deg axis lines + X fiber direction axis line.
    <std:node name="Rosette">
    <!--Extraction Flag for ply rosette (Yes/No)- >
    <!--Default Value=No- >
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

The name of ply/cut-piece is generated at anchor point, defined here under:

  • Either the seed point location if producibility parameters are defined.
  • Or the projection of the contour center of gravity if located inside the ply contour.
  • Or at the closest point on contour of this center of gravity.

Rosette transfer is computed at the ply/cut-piece anchor point and 0deg/90deg direction axis lines and X fiber direction axis line are displayed.

Symbolic texts indicate the 0deg/90deg axis in 2D view; X fiber direction axis line inherits color from the ply/cut-piece contour.

  • Symbolic texts size for rosette axis and ply name respect the input scale factor (only available in Advanced Front View).
  • In Drafting, when you modify the scale of a previously generated view containing symbolic texts, not all texts sizes take into account this factor scale. To synchronize texts sizes with the view scaling, select the Apply Scale check box in Text tab of the properties of the selected annotations.

Core Rosette and Core Name

In the Core section, the Composites GVS attributes Rosette and Name allow the generation of the core name and rosette.

  • The core name: Symbolic text containing core alias.
    <std:node name="Name">
    <!--Extraction Flag for core name (Yes/No)- >
    <!--Default Value=No- >
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>
  • The core rosette: 0deg/90deg axis lines + X fiber direction axis line.
    <std:node name="Rosette">
    <!--Extraction Flag for core rosette (Yes/No)- >
    <!--Default Value=No- >
    <std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

The name of core is generated at the center of gravity of its resulting solid.

Rosette transfer is computed at the projection of the solid center of gravity on the specified support surface and 0deg/90deg direction axis lines and X fiber direction axis line are displayed.

Symbolic texts indicate the 0deg/90deg axis in 2D view; X fiber direction axis line inherits color from the core solid.

  • Composites Design does not display the rosette axis if the core feature has no father ply group (no support surface to project on).
  • Symbolic texts size for the rosette axis and the core name respect the input scale factor (only available in Advanced Front View).
  • In Drafting, when you modify the scale of a previously generated view containing symbolic texts, not all texts sizes take into account this factor scale. To synchronize texts sizes with the view scaling, select the Apply Scale check box in Text tab of the properties of the selected annotations.

Contour Thickness

In the Ply section, the Composites GVS attribute Contour thickness (integer type) allows configuring the 2D Representation of ply/cut-piece contour.

  • The thickness of the 2D line extracted from ply/cut-piece contour is specify with this attribute value (if included between 1 and 8).
  • Otherwise, with 0 value, the 2D line inherits its thickness from the 3D contour property.
<std:node name="Contour thickness">
<!--Extraction Flag for ply contour thickness (1-8)- >
<!--Default Value=0- >

Other Geometry

In the Ply and the Core sections, the Composites GVS attribute Other geometry allows to extract (or not) the geometry aggregated by Ply/Cut-piece/Core features.

This geometry can be directly aggregated by Composites entities or ordered in a child OpenBody of composites entities.

<std:node name="Other geometry">
<!--Extraction Flag for aggregated geometry under ply feature
(Yes/No)- >
<!--Default Value=No- >
<std:enumval name="YesNo">No</std:enumval>

Note: When you do not use a GVS file, the default Drafting behavior of Ply/Cut-piece/Core is the same as that of GSD OpenBody and aggregated geometry is extracted into the drawing.