Composites Link - Importing Zones

You can import analysis zones from a FE Input Deck.

Note: If Composites Parameters are not defined in the model, Import > Composites Zones simply imports the zone boundaries as geometry without including full composites information.

  1. In the top bar click Add > Import then Composites Zones.
  2. Select the Input File and select options below as required.

    For more information, see About Composites Link Import Zones.

  3. Select the Zone Group where the zones will be placed..

    • If you are importing data in a part that contains only geometry, create the Composites Parameters and Zone Group first.
    • If you are importing data into a Composites Design model, a mapping must be created between the imported analysis materials and the Composites Design materials found in the materials catalog

  4. Optional: Select Geometry options

    These options are not selected by default as the designer often simplifies the zone geometry before associating it to a zone.

    • Set Geometry on Zone to project the contours associated to the zones onto the surface of the parent Zone Group, and associate the projection with the zone.
    • Automatic Local Updates.
      Note: This option is time consuming.
  5. Select Import Laminates to converts analysis zones into a smeared equivalent description.
  6. Click Map Material
    Composites Link tries to
    • Match material names
    • Match the key mechanical property values within 0.1%
    • If this is not successful, Composites Link issues a warning and lists imported analysis materials and Composites Design materials for you to define the mapping manually.

    For every layer in the analysis PCOMP, the Composites Design material is identified from the mapping. Then, the closest angle defined in the Composites Parameters is selected, and the number in this direction is incremented accordingly.

    Note: The thickness of the Composites Design material is given in CATMaterial and must be checked manually against the thickness in the analysis input deck.

  7. Select Set Rosette on Zone.

    The import only occurs when all elements in a particular zone reference a single coordinates system. If the orientation is not defined by a coordinates system, or if several coordinates systems are referenced, no rosette is set.

Contours defining PCOMP boundaries are imported and placed in the Geometrical Set Composites Link/Zones.

As the Nastran bulk data file does not contain property names but only IDs, the zone names are synthesized by prefixing the PCOMP ID with the string “pcomp.”. For example, “pcomp.1” refers to the contents of the PCOMP card with ID=1.

Because a 3DEXPERIENCE zone can only be defined over one contiguous area, if a PCOMP is used in several separate parts of the model, more than one outer contour is created around the section regions. For example, if the PCOMP region with ID=1 is used in two disconnected regions, two sets of contours are produced with the names pcomp.1 and pcomp.1_2, i.e. a subscript showing the instance index is appended to the second and subsequent regions. The order of naming is set by the lowest element id existing in the respective regions.

If a section region contains one or more holes, corresponding inner contours are created. This geometry is based on the element edges and may require rework. However, the designer can easily redraw the contour from a curve present in 3DEXPERIENCE rather than guess the locations of the zones.