Exporting the Design

You can export Composites design data to a spreadsheet. Once you have modified the values in the spreadsheet, you can re-import it to update the design.

  1. From the Grid Design section of the action bar, click Export Composites Design .
  2. Select the format of the file to export from the list.
    1. Optional: Click View Template to visualize the format.
  3. Click ... and enter the storage location of the file to export.
    1. Optional: Click Open File to open the file.
  4. Select the type of elements to export: The Complete Stacking or a Selection of groups.
    1. In this case, select the groups to export in the list below.
  5. Click Export.

  • The export file is created, with the same information as described for import.
  • When relevant diagnoses are displayed as described above for import.