Exporting to XML

You can export ply data in XML format.

Note: This task is available in Composites Design and Composites Manufacturing Preparation.

  1. From the Composites Collaboration section of the action bar, click XML export .
  2. Select a complete stacking, a ply group, a sequence, a ply, or a cut-piece.
  3. Click ... to select the storage directory and file name.
  4. Select the geometry to include.
  5. Edit the parameters used to tessellate the points of the contours exported to the XML file.

Below is an example of the output XML file:

XML FileComments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Part [ <!-- CATIA V5R18 - > <!-- XML export of CPD data - > ]> <CATIA_V5_CPD_Composites_Data_Model VERSION="1.0"> <Part NAME="SamplePart">

Name of the part.

<Units> <Length>"mm"</Length> <Angle>"deg"</Angle> <Surfacic_weight>"Kg/m2"</Surfacic_weight> <Cost_per_mass_unit>"USD/Kg"</Cost_per_mass_unit> <Cost>"USD"</Cost> </Units>

Set of units.

<Rosettes> <Rosette NAME="Rosette.1"> <X>1.0,0.0,0.0</X> <Y>0.0,1.0,0.0</Y> <Z>0.0,0.0,1.0</Z> </Rosette> <Rosette NAME="Rosette.2"> <X>-1.0,0.0,0.0</X> <Y>0.0,1.0,0.0</Y> <Z>0.0,0.0,-1.0</Z> </Rosette> </Rosettes>

Description of the Rosette:

  • Name
  • Axes coordinates

<Materials> <Material NAME="Carbon 1"> <Type>Bi-dir</Type> <Cured_thickness>0.2</Cured_thickness> <Uncured_thickness>0.25</Uncured_thickness> <Width>2000</Width> <Warning_angle>30</Warning_angle> <Limit_angle>15</Limit_angle> <Surfacic_weight>0.3</Surfacic_weight> <Cost_per_mass_unit>23.8</Cost_per_mass_unit> </Material> <Material NAME="Carbon 2"> <Type>Uni-dir</Type> <Cured_thickness>0.2</Cured_thickness> <Uncured_thickness>0.25</Uncured_thickness> <Width>200</Width> <Warning_angle>15</Warning_angle> <Limit_angle>7</Limit_angle> <Surfacic_weight>0.3</Surfacic_weight> <Cost_per_mass_unit>19.9</Cost_per_mass_unit> </Material> </Materials>

Description of materials used (only Composites parameters of the material are exported).

<Orientations> <Orientation NAME="0" VALUE="0"/> <Orientation NAME="0/90" VALUE="0"/> <Orientation NAME="45/-45" VALUE="45"/> <Orientation NAME="90" VALUE="90"/> </Orientations>

Description of orientations used.

<Stacking NAME="Stacking" TYPE="Engineering"> <Plies_Group NAME="Plies Group.1" REF_SURFACE="Surface.1" DRAPING_DIR="Positive" ROSETTE="Rosette.1" STRUCTURAL="Yes"> <Sequence NAME="Sequence.1"> <Ply NAME="Ply.1" MATERIAL="Carbon 1" ORIENTATION="0/90" ROSETTE="Rosette.1" REF_SURFACE="Surface.1" DRAPING_DIR="Positive" CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6" AREA="458512.2" PERIMETER="4385.21" WEIGHT="90.42" COST="5827.12">

Stacking name and type (engineering/manufacturing/mirror) Plies group information Sequence name Ply information:

  • Name,
  • Material,
  • Orientation,
  • Rosette,
  • Numerical analysis information.

<Contour_3D POINTS_COUNT="300" POINTS="X Y Z"> <Pt/>3859.3158 13633.6363 -350.0388 <Pt/>3878.1873 13613.3858 -348.5087 <Pt/>3838.3433 13651.8784 -351.5373 <Pt/>3838.8115 13613.6858 -348.8338 <Pt/>3878.5188 13653.5643 -351.3188 <Pt/>3888.1601 13584.1344 -347.1078 <Pt/>.... </Contour_3D>

Discretization points of 3D ply contour (optional).

<Contour_2D POINTS_COUNT="100" POINTS="X Y Z"> <Pt/>3858.5308 0 -350.0303 <Pt/>3878.7833 0 -348.5730 <Pt/>3838.3843 0 -351.5183 <Pt/>3838.1385 0 -348.8483 <Pt/>3878.8308 0 -351.3331 <Pt/>3888.0771 0 -347.1480 <Pt/>..... </Contour_2D>

Discretization points of ply flatten shape (optional).

<Cut_Piece NAME="CutPiece.1" CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6" AREA="458512.2" PERIMETER="4385.21" WEIGHT="90.42" COST="5827.12"> <Contour_3D POINTS_COUNT="300" POINTS="X Y Z"> <Pt/>3859.3158 13633.6363 -350.0388 <Pt/>3878.1873 13613.3858 -348.5087 <Pt/>3838.3433 13651.8784 -351.5373 <Pt/>3838.8115 13613.6858 -348.8338 <Pt/>3878.5188 13653.5643 -351.3188 <Pt/>..... </Contour_3D> <Contour_2D POINTS_COUNT="100" POINTS="X Y Z"> <Pt/>3858.5308 0 -350.0303 <Pt/>3878.7833 0 -348.5730 <Pt/>3838.3843 0 -351.5183 <Pt/>3838.1385 0 -348.8483 <Pt/>3878.8308 0 -351.3331 <Pt/>..... </Contour_2D> </Cut_Piece> </Ply> </Sequence>

Cut pieces information, similar to that of plies.

<Sequence NAME="Sequence.2"> <Core NAME="Core.1" MATERIAL="Honeycomb" ORIENTATION="0" ROSETTE="Rosette.2" CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6" VOLUME="4585.2" WET_AREA="858512.21" WEIGHT="90.42" COST="300.12"> </Core> </Sequence>

Core information.

</Plies_Group> </Stacking> </Part> </CATIA_V5_CPD_Composites_Data_Model>


To protect the IP, the linked material references are not embedded inside the Composites part when the Composites part is transferred using 3D XML.

As a result, when you import this 3D XML back in another system, the Composites part is self-sufficient, thanks to the material cache feature, enabling Composites Design and Composites Manufacturing Preparation to work properly, without exposing sensitive behaviors (such as FEM ones). For instance, this enables OEM to keep their IP from their material database private without preventing their sub-contractor to prepare the manufacturing.

If those material information are required:

  • Create a 3D XML with the Composites part.
  • Create another 3D XML containing the materials.
  • Import those two 3D XML (part and materials) and relink the material cache feature to the imported materials, using Composites Parameters.

FEM analysis becomes available.