<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Part [
<!-- CATIA V5R18 - >
<!-- XML export of CPD data - >
<CATIA_V5_CPD_Composites_Data_Model VERSION="1.0">
<Part NAME="SamplePart">
| Name of the part. |
| Set of units.
<Rosette NAME="Rosette.1">
<Rosette NAME="Rosette.2">
Description of the Rosette:
<Material NAME="Carbon 1">
<Material NAME="Carbon 2">
| Description of materials used
(only Composites parameters of the material are exported).
<Orientation NAME="0" VALUE="0"/>
<Orientation NAME="0/90" VALUE="0"/>
<Orientation NAME="45/-45" VALUE="45"/>
<Orientation NAME="90" VALUE="90"/>
| Description of orientations used.
<Stacking NAME="Stacking" TYPE="Engineering">
<Plies_Group NAME="Plies Group.1" REF_SURFACE="Surface.1"
<Sequence NAME="Sequence.1">
<Ply NAME="Ply.1" MATERIAL="Carbon 1" ORIENTATION="0/90"
REF_SURFACE="Surface.1" DRAPING_DIR="Positive"
CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6"
AREA="458512.2" PERIMETER="4385.21" WEIGHT="90.42"
Stacking name and type (engineering/manufacturing/mirror)
Plies group information
Sequence name
Ply information:
- Name,
- Material,
- Orientation,
- Rosette,
- Numerical analysis information.
<Contour_3D POINTS_COUNT="300" POINTS="X Y Z">
<Pt/>3859.3158 13633.6363 -350.0388
<Pt/>3878.1873 13613.3858 -348.5087
<Pt/>3838.3433 13651.8784 -351.5373
<Pt/>3838.8115 13613.6858 -348.8338
<Pt/>3878.5188 13653.5643 -351.3188
<Pt/>3888.1601 13584.1344 -347.1078
| Discretization points of 3D ply contour (optional). |
<Contour_2D POINTS_COUNT="100" POINTS="X Y Z">
<Pt/>3858.5308 0 -350.0303
<Pt/>3878.7833 0 -348.5730
<Pt/>3838.3843 0 -351.5183
<Pt/>3838.1385 0 -348.8483
<Pt/>3878.8308 0 -351.3331
<Pt/>3888.0771 0 -347.1480
| Discretization points of ply flatten shape (optional). |
<Cut_Piece NAME="CutPiece.1"
CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6"
AREA="458512.2" PERIMETER="4385.21" WEIGHT="90.42"
<Contour_3D POINTS_COUNT="300" POINTS="X Y Z">
<Pt/>3859.3158 13633.6363 -350.0388
<Pt/>3878.1873 13613.3858 -348.5087
<Pt/>3838.3433 13651.8784 -351.5373
<Pt/>3838.8115 13613.6858 -348.8338
<Pt/>3878.5188 13653.5643 -351.3188
<Contour_2D POINTS_COUNT="100" POINTS="X Y Z">
<Pt/>3858.5308 0 -350.0303
<Pt/>3878.7833 0 -348.5730
<Pt/>3838.3843 0 -351.5183
<Pt/>3838.1385 0 -348.8483
<Pt/>3878.8308 0 -351.3331
| Cut pieces information, similar to that of plies.
<Sequence NAME="Sequence.2">
<Core NAME="Core.1" MATERIAL="Honeycomb" ORIENTATION="0"
CG_X="7923.2" CG_Y="0" CG_Z="1246.6"
VOLUME="4585.2" WET_AREA="858512.21" WEIGHT="90.42"
| Core information. |
</CATIA_V5_CPD_Composites_Data_Model> | |