Categorizing Flatten Body Elements

You can categorize the elements of the Flatten Body of plies and cut-pieces. This is required for all Flatten Body elements in older models, or for Markers and Cut in current models.

See Also
About Flatten Body Categorization
  1. Double-click the Flatten Body of a ply or a cut-piece.
    The Flatten Body elements are listed with their category and their visibility status.
    Note: Flatten Body elements are dispatched into categories when they are created. However, this is not the case for older models, where all the elements are listed as No Category.
  2. To apply a category to a No Category element, do one of the following.
    1. Select the element.

      The option on the right corresponding to its category is selected.

    2. Select another option to apply another category.
    3. Alternatively, particularly for older models, select Auto Categorization.
  3. Alternatively, for older models where the Flatten Body elements have not been categorized at their creation. Right-click a stacking, plies group, sequence, ply or cut-piece in the tree, and select xxx Object > Flatten Bodies node > Categorize Elements
    The elements found in the Flatten Body nodes are listed, with their status and details, if any:
    • OK - Categorization done
    • Unknown entities - Manual edition required to categorize user curves
    • No Flatten body
    • No Flattening/Unfold - No entity under flatten body
    • No Flatten contour - Flattening integrity may have been broken
    • Contour Hidden - Expected contour result is Hidden - No categorization done
    • No rosette - No flatten rosette.
  4. Select one element.
    A reframe is done on the Flatten Body (or the element) to let you verify it.
  5. Double-click the line or click Edit Flatten Body of selected element. Proceed as explained above.
  6. To verify the categorization, select xxx Object > Flatten Bodies node > By Categories (if not yet done) to display the elements by categories.

    Categorize Elements switches the view from Standard to By Categories.