Creating a Gap Offset on a Splice Zone

You can create a gap offset on either a no splice zone or a butt splice zone. This is useful when, as a design engineer, you have defined a butt splice zone or a no splice zone that does not take into account the manufacturing tolerance; or when you need to rework a butt splice zone or a no splice zone after having synchronized the Engineering and the Manufacturing parts.

  • This task is available in Composites Manufacturing Preparation.
  • Creates the offset curves that take the manufacturing tolerance into account.
  • Deletes the current butt splice zone or no splice zone.
  • Recreates the butt splice zone or no splice zone from the offset curves.
  • Keeps the associativity.

  1. From the Producibility, Flattening and Splicing section of the action bar, click Gap Offset .
  2. Select the butt splice or no splice zones to process.

    • Multiselection is available.
    • in the dialog box that appears gives access to the Stacking Management.

    The gap offset will apply to the whole selection.

  3. Key-in the Offset Value.
  4. Select an Offset Parallel Mode.
    • Geodesic and Euclidian impose the type you have selected.
    • Geodesic otherwise Euclidian creates a geodesic parallel if possible, otherwise it creates an Euclidian parallel.
    • Euclidian otherwise Geodesic creates an Euclidian parallel if possible, otherwise it creates a geodesic parallel.
    • Parallel planes otherwise geodesic creates parallel planes if possible, otherwise creates a geodesic parallel.

All the selected splice zones are extended by the value of the offset.

  • The initial contour is hidden.
  • The offset is applied to the curves of the initial contour.
  • A new butt splice contour (Gap offset.x) is created from the offset curves.
  • Gap offset is editable. Only Offset Value and Offset Parallel Mode are available.