Creating Multi-Parallel Curves

You can create curves used for ramp support as a multi-parallel curves feature. Each parallel curve is computed by applying an offset to the previous one. You can apply the same offset to all parallel curves, or apply a specific offset to selected curves.

Before you begin: This task is available in Composites Design.
  1. From the Grid Design section of the action bar, click Multi-Parallel Curves .
  2. Select the curve from which the multi-parallel curves are computed.
  3. Select a surface to support the multi-parallel curves.

    If the selected curve is a Composites reference element, the support surface is automatically selected.

  4. Enter the number of curves to create in the multi-parallel curves feature.
  5. Define the global offset to apply to all curves in the multi-parallel curves feature.
    In the table:
    • When the global offset is applied to a curve, Same as Global status is Yes and Offset Value indicates that of the Global Offset.
    • When a different offset is applied to a curve, Same as Global status is No and Offset Value indicates the actual offset.
  6. Edit the value of Global Offset without selecting curves.
    The Offset Value of all curves with Same as Global status specified as Yes is modified globally. The Offset Value of the curves with Same as Global specified as No is not modified.
  7. Select several curves in the table and do one of the following.

    Only curves with the identical Same as Global status can have their Offset Value edited in one shot.

    1. If the Same as Global status of all selected curves is Yes, clear Same as Global Offset and enter a new Offset Value (Both below the table).
      Same as Global status is now No, the Offset Value is the one you specified.
    2. If all selected curves have their Same as Global status specified as No, select Same as Global Offset.
      Same as Global status is now Yes, the Offset Value is the Global Offset.
    3. If all selected curves have their Same as Global status specified asNo, modify the Offset Value below the table.
      Same as Global status is still No, the Offset Value is the new one.
  8. Alternatively, select curves in the dialog box, clear the Same as Global Offset check box and select a point through which the current curve must pass.

    A context menu is available to create the point.

The Multi-Parallel Curves are created under the current In Work Object.