Using the Stacking Management 2D Viewer and Options

You can manage the stacking using the Stacking Management 2D Viewer and the options. Stacking Management is started either from the action bar or from another command.

Note: Stacking Management:
  • Does not support the creation of plies.
  • Does not support the edition of single rows.
  • Supports undo/redo only for commands that modify the table (such as move, swap)

  1. Do one of the following to start the Stacking Management.
    1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Stacking Management .
    2. From the dialog box of another command, click Stacking Management .
    3. Double-click a stacking in the tree.
    Stacking Management helps you edit, select, or review a stacking. It is made of:
    • The table or 2D viewer that can be panned and zoomed. Inside this table:
      • Information is displayed about the ply groups, sequences, plies, or cores, materials, orientations, rosette, support surface, and draping.
        Tip: The background of the cells displaying the orientation has the same color as the orientation.
      • You can define the level of entities you are working in (Plies Group, Sequence, Ply, Cut-piece).
      • You can filter entities, display information, and preview entities.
    • A set of tools gathered in the Tools Palette to select, edit, move, cut/copy/paste entities or export the table.
  2. Display the table according to your needs:
    1. Resize the dialog box to enlarge the 2D viewer.
    2. Zoom in or out, or pan the table.
  3. Select the Entity Level to display (Plies Group, Sequence, Ply or Cut-piece).
    • Only the rows corresponding to the selected entity level are displayed in the 2D viewer.
    • Except for Cut-piece, the columns display the number of elements contained in the current level, its name if there is only one.
    • For materials and rosettes, if all the elements of the level share the same attribute, this attribute is displayed. Otherwise, the number of attributes is displayed.
    • For Plies Group, Sequence, Ply, if there are several orientations, drapings or core samples, Multi is displayed.

    For example, if Entity Level is Plies Group, the 2D viewer looks like this:

    Plies Group Sequence Ply/Core Material ID Orientation Name Orientation Value Rosette Surface Draping
    1 Plies Group.1 40 Sequences 40 Plies/1 Core 2 Materials Multi Multi Rosette.1 Extrude.1 FALSE

  4. Filter rows from their attributes.

    See Filtering Rows in the Stacking Management for more information.

  5. Adapt the display of information to your need.
  6. Select the Entity Preview check box to start the previewer and verify entities.

    See Previewing Entities in the Stacking Management for more information.

  7. To review entities, do one of the following:
    • Pick a cell in the 2D Viewer.
    • Use the Review up and down arrows.
    • Use the keyboard up and down arrows.
    • Entities are reviewed one by one.
    • The row you are reviewing is highlighted in green in the 2D Viewer.
    • In the previewer, only the contour of the ply under review is highlighted.
  8. To add rows to a selection, do one of the following:
    • Right-click a cell in the 2D Viewer, and choose Select/Deselect Row from Cell.
    • Select a cell and click Select Row from Cell from the Tools Palette.
    • Pick the first cell on the left to select the whole row.
    • Pick the (0,0) cell to empty the selection, or to select all the rows.

    Multiselection by Ctrl key is available.

    • The whole selection is highlighted in the tree.
    • In the 3D area, the plies of the selected plies group or sequence, or the contour of the selected ply or cut-piece are highlighted.
    • The selection is highlighted in blue in the 2D viewer.
    • The last selected entity is considered as under review.
  9. Select Export Current Table in the Tools Palette and enter the storage path of the file to create.
    The current table (made of displayed columns) is exported. The file looks like this:
    Plies Group Sequence Ply Cut Piece Material Direction Rosette Surface Draping
    1 Plies Group.1 Sequence.1 Ply.1 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    2 Sequence.2 Ply.2 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    3 Sequence.3 Ply.3 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    4 Sequence.4 Ply.4 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    5 Sequence.5 Ply.5 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    6 Sequence.6 Ply.6 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    7 Plu.7 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    8 Ply.8 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    9 Sequence.9 Ply.9 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    10 Sequence.10 Ply.10 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    11 Sequence.11 Ply.11 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    12 Sequence.12 Ply.12 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    13 Ply.13 SG452_G803 60 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    14 Ply.14 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    15 Sequence.15 Ply.15 SG452_G803 60 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    16 Sequence.16 Ply.16 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    17 Ply.17 Ply.17Cut Piece.1 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    18 Ply.17/Cut Piece.2 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
    19 Ply.17/Cut Piece.3 SG452_G803 0 Axe-ref2 skin-ref1 false
  10. Select entities in the 2D viewer.
    All the selected entities of a same level are stored. The selection is kept in the work area.