Reviewing Area, Length and Center of Gravity

You can review area, length, and center of gravity status.

Display the corresponding columns Area, Length, or Center of Gravity.
The attributes are computed on the surface, applied on all entity levels, and displayed in the current units and decimals preferences.
  • If the Composites part contains shells not migrated to Automatic Ply Shells, the attributes are specified as NA.
  • If the Composites part contains updated shells, the attributes values are displayed.
  • If the Composites part contains automatic shells that have not been updated, the attributes are computed as you start Stacking Management. Information is displayed.
  • In selection and review mode, they are not computed if they have not been specified before in standard mode.
  • Cores attributes (except Length) are always computed inside Stacking Management (not streamed).
  • They are supported by Export Current Table.