Selecting Plies in Stacking Management

You can select plies from the tree, the 3D area, or the 2D viewer.

  1. In the 3D area:
    1. At Ply level, select a ply contour.
      • The ply 3D contour is highlighted in the 3D area.
      • The selected ply is highlighted in the tree.
      • The selected ply is highlighted in the 2D viewer.
    2. At Sequence level, select a ply contour.
      • All 3D contours of the sequence are highlighted in the 3D area.
      • The parent sequence of the selected ply is highlighted in the tree.
      • The parent sequence of the selected ply is highlighted in the 2D viewer.
    3. At Plies Group level, select a ply contour.
      • All 3D contours of the plies group are highlighted in the 3D area.
      • The plies group that contains the selected ply is highlighted in the tree.
      • The plies group that contains the selected ply is highlighted in the 2D viewer.
    4. Press Ctrl key or draw a trap and select several ply contours.
      • All selected plies are highlighted in the 3D area.
      • All selected plies are highlighted in the tree.
      • All selected plies are highlighted in the 2D viewer.
  2. In the tree, select a ply.
    • The ply 3D contour is highlighted in the 3D area.
    • The selected ply is highlighted in the tree.
    • The selected ply is highlighted in the 2D viewer.