Creating Physical Plies from the Virtual Stacking

You can generate plies from the virtual stacking. The contours of the plies are based on the sequence shapes (cell coverage) and on the initial staggering defined on structural elements during the panel creation.

Click Play to watch the video:

  1. From the Grid Design section of the action bar, click Plies From Virtual Stacking and select the virtual stacking.
  2. Select Minimum crossing that manages the drop-off pattern globally.

    A default drop-off pattern is proposed. The drop-off pattern takes the orientation of plies into account. If necessary, select another one from the list.

  3. Click Preview then validate.
    When generating plies from a virtual stacking, Composites Design computes the staggering of the plies.
    • First, a set of curves named Ramp Support is computed from the reference elements of the grid panel.
    • Physical plies boundaries are then defined from the staggering rules, plies boundaries using accurate curves along ramp support curves.