Creating a Mean Plane Through Points

You can create a plane defined as the mean through three or more points.

Before you begin: You must create or include a 3D Shape containing geometry.
  1. From the Shape Tools section of the action bar, click Plane .
  2. Select Mean through points.
  3. Select three or more points to display the mean plane through these points.

    The command first computes a center of gravity and then the inertia matrix at this new point. In the next step, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix are computed. The eigenvectors describe the basis of the mean axis of the affine sub-space, generated by the set of input points.

    Thus, the returned origin is the center of gravity and the returned vectors are the eigenvectors of the inertia matrix from which a mean plane is computed.

    Tip: You can edit the plane by first selecting a point in the dialog box list and choose one of the following options:
    • Remove the selected point
    • Replace the selected point by another point.
  4. Click OK to create the plane.
    The plane (identified as is added to the tree.