
This page displays a list of parts that are created from Engineering BOM Management and the parts created with template.

To access this page:

  • From the home page, select Product Specifications > Parts.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


NameThe name of part.
TitleThe specification title of part.
RevisionThe current revision of part.
Not Last RevisionIf a higher revision exists, appears that directs to the revision page.
StateThe current lifecycle state of part.
TypeThe type of part.
Collaborative PolicyThe collaborative policy used to create a part.
Change ControlledIndicates if change order is associated to the part to release it.
PhaseThe phase of part.
DescriptionThe description of part
OwnerThe owner of part.
Last ModifiedThe last modified details.
Click to view the properties of the part in a new window.


Edit Edit the selected part.
Delete Deletes the selected part.