Revising a Technical Specification

You can create a revision of a technical specification to change the values of the attributes and also track the changes that happen with every revision.

Before you begin: Required access roles:
  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • App-Specific: Product Data Originator, Restricted Product Data Originator
Note: The technical specification must be in Release state.
  1. Open a Technical Specification.
  2. From the page toolbar of properties page, click Revise .

    Enter the following information:

    TypeThe type of technical specification.
    TitleThe title of technical specification.
    PolicyThe policy for technical specification.
    RevisionThe revision of technical specification.
    DescriptionThe description of technical specification.
    TemplateThe list of templates applicable for technical specification.
    Expiration DateThe expiration date of technical specification.
    • By default the date is Dec 30, 9999.
    • You can change the expiration date if the status is temporary.
    StatusThe status of technical specification.
    • Permanent
    • Temporary
    Note: By default the status is permanent.
    Render LanguageThe language based on which the release snapshot report is generated.
    Note: This is read-only if the selected template has render language as claimed information.

  3. Click OK.

The technical specification is revised.