You can search for extended attributes to add them to an impact questionnaire template.
From the page toolbar, click Add Existing.
To filter the list of attributes:
Enter criteria for any combination of these items:
Filter Criteria
Name Matches
Type an attribute name or part of the name, using the asterisk as a wildcard. Multiple names can be included, separated by commas. For example, filtering on A*,B* will show all attribute names that start with A or B. Use exact case and do not include spaces.
Select a data type from the drop-down list. Attribute data types are boolean, date/time, integer, real, string, or All.
Click Filter.
Select all of attributes you want to add to the impact questionnaire template.
Click Submit.
The selected attributes are added to the Extended Attributes section of the impact questionnaire template's properties.
Any default values for the attribute are shown.