Creating Collaborative Spaces

You can create new collaborative spaces to share content with other members. Platform Administrator choose who can create collaborative spaces.

Before you begin: You must have the Administrator access role, or been assigned permission to create collaborative spaces.
  1. In the 3DSpace app, click My Collaborative Spaces > New Collaborative Space.
  2. Enter these details:

    Field Name Description
    Title The title must be unique in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, and these special characters:

    ! & ( ) + - = ^ _ ` { } ~

    • 3DSpace does not support double-byte characters for the title.
    • You cannot use Document Control as the title because that is for internal use only.
    Description Descriptive information that describes the purpose of the collaborative space.
    Visibility Select one of these options:
    • Private
    • Protected
    • Public

    For more information, see Public, Protected, and Private Collaborative Spaces.

    Family Select one of these options:
    • Standard
    • Design

    Standard collaborative spaces have Public visibility only. Protected or Private settings are not options.

    Content created in a standard collaborative space is standard content, and content created in a design collaborative space is considered design content. A standard structure can only contain standard content, but design structures can contain standard content. Standard collaborative spaces are public only. For more information, see Structure Business Logic for Standard and Design Content.

  3. Click Create.

The newly created collaborative space becomes the current one.