Editing Properties of Collaborative Spaces

You can easily rename a collaborative space, update the description, and change the visibility.

You cannot rename the Common Space collaborative space.

Note: For more information about collaborative spaces visibility properties, see Public, Protected, and Private Collaborative Spaces.

Before you begin: You must have the Owner access role. Users with the Owner (Restricted) access role cannot change properties of collaborative spaces.
Note: The Platform Administrator can configure 3DSpace to prevent an Owner from editing visibility. If so, you need the Administrator access role to edit the visibility.

You cannot modify Visibility of the Common Space collaborative space.

  1. Select either of the following:
    • Double-click the collaborative space and from the breadcrumb select My Collaborative Spaces > Your collaborative space name > Edit
    • From the context menu of the collaborative space, select Edit.
    • When viewing the list of collaborative spaces, select the collaborative space and in the toolbar click Edit.
  2. Edit the title and description as required.
  3. In the Visibility drop-down list, select a new visibility among the choices below:
    • Private
    • Protected
    • Public

    For more information, see Public, Protected, and Private Collaborative Spaces.

  4. Click Edit.