Deploying the J2EE Archive File on WebLogic

This topic desribes how to deploy the J2EE archive file using WebLogic.

See Also
Deploying the J2EE Archive File in Japanese
Deploying the J2EE Archive File on WebSphere
Deploying the J2EE Archive File on Tomcat
  1. Start your WebLogic server.
  2. Start a browser and access http://SERVERNAME:PORTNUMBER/console to open the admin console.
  3. Type your Username and Password, then click Log In.
  4. On the main screen, click Lock & Edit > Deployments and then click Install under the Control tab.
  5. Click the link for your machine name.
  6. Next, click on the folder. On the next screen, navigate to the location of the EAR file. Select the web application (.ear file) to deploy and click Next.
  7. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.
  8. Verify the default settings and click Next.
  9. Verify the deployment status and click Finish.
  10. When the deployment is finished, the registered web application is displayed. Click Save.

    A message is displayed stating Settings updated successfully.

  11. Click Activate Changes.

    A message is displayed stating All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary.

  12. Click Deployments under Domain Structure.
  13. In the Control tab, select the checkbox for the web application and click Start.
  14. Select Servicing all requests from the drop-down list and click Yes to continue.

    A message is shown stating "Start requests have been sent to the selected Deployments."

  15. Click Release Configuration.

    The Lock & Edit button is enabled. This is the default setting of the button.

  16. Finally, access http://HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER/enovia/emxLogin.jsp.

If the web application has been successfully deployed, the Login window appears.