JVM Options for App Servers

The JVM options for the app server's own JVM must be verified.

The following table contains a list of default file names and command lines that start the app server JVM:

App Server Default files to find JVM options



All files are startup scripts or batch files. For all servers, edit the startup file and locate the Java command line.

Following is an example from the tomcat.sh file:

$JAVACMD $TOMCAT_OPTS -Djava.security.manager 
-Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME}  org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat
"$@" &
Note: The TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable can be used to pass in JVM options. It is necessary to check both the command line itself and the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable to verify the JVM options in use.