About Memory Use

Very large trace files trigger special processing in coretime in order to handle the quantity of log entries to be processed without running out of memory.

See Also
Diagnostic Commands
About Using Checkpoints
About the Coretime Log Analysis Tool

When large file processing is detected (i.e., when coretime encounters a memory allocation error), coretime switches to a "progressive processing" mode where the -time and -method options are disregarded, because of the lack of available memory. The following error is printed, and coretime switches to default operation (as if no options were specified):

Out of memory; -time processing failed. Switching to default operation.

A coretime user must use other methods to get the information normally supplied by -time or -method.

When in "progressive processing" mode, coretime marks operations that are outstanding longer than 10 minutes with a timing of "-2 milliseconds," such as:

16:08:17.982    t@038:        -2 milliseconds:  ADK:   executeCmd.bosMQLCommand

These "long runners" are potential non-terminating calls, which are identifiable with the negative millisecond timing. Marking them allows coretime to move on to process and print other log entries and ultimately to flush them from memory.

In order to see if the long runner eventually completes, search for the timestamp of this entry (in this example "16:08:17.982"). If the longrunner completes, you will find an entry like this:

16:19:05.832    t@054:      1120 milliseconds:  ADK:   open.bosBusinessObject
16:08:17.982    t@038:   2320900 milliseconds:  ADK:   executeCmd.bosMQLCommand
16:19:09.972    t@005:         0 milliseconds:  ADK:   initInterface.bosInterfac

"OUT OF SEQUENCE" indicates that the completion listing in the coretime output is not in its original sequence.

Note: In the timestamps of the entries preceding and following this entry in the example, the earlier entry (with the "-2 millisecond" timing) is in sequence, but with incomplete timing information. If the longrunner does not complete, you will find a typical "-1 milliseconds" entry toward the end of the coretime output.
16:08:17.982    t@038:   -1 milliseconds:  ADK:   executeCmd.bosMQLCommand