mxAudit.log File

This topic describes message types contained in the mxAudit.log file.

The mxAudit.log file contains the following message types:

  • Warning
  • Critical

Informational messages generated from the application server kernel only are also written to mxAudit.log. Informational messages from all other servers are not written to the log file but can be viewed using the MQL print config command.

The mxAudit.log file can be found in the mxtrace file path, for example:


See Also
Evaluation Details
ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Stability Troubleshooting
Additional Live Collaboration Server Configuration Troubleshooting

Below is an example of messages written to a sample mxAudit.log file. The log starts by listing header information, identifying the process ID (in this case, 1870) and the command line used to start the process being audited.

1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM RMI server Process Id: 1870
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****Begin Kernel Audit check****
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_06/jre/bin/i386/native_threads/java 
rmid.policy -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/app/rmi1010/java/lib/
eMatrixServletRMI.jar -Xss512k -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Djava.library.path=/app/rmi1010/bin/
linux sun.rmi.server.ActivationGroupInit
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** JVM mode is not in server mode, add -Server to 
the java command line
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** eMatrix jar version is current version 
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** Warning trace option set:  
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION environment 
variable should set
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_MAX_THREAD environment variable should set to 
at least 200
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT environment variable 
should set
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_PROGRAM_POOL_SIZE environment variable should 
not be less than 10
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE environment variable 
cannot be default (1)
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE environment should be at 
least ten
 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** Class garbage collection should be enabled 
(remove -Xnoclassgc)

The above log content shows several warning and critical messages to which you should respond.

Once you are up and running you may want to turn off the Audit log so it doesn't run every time you restart the server.

To turn off the Live Collaboration Server Audit Log, add the following to the enovia.ini for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini) (Windows) or or startup script (UNIX):


You only need to export the setting on Linux.

In the web.xml file set the following to false, for example:

<context-param id="ContextParam_12">