3DComment Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected by the monitoring agent for the 3DComment service.

This page discusses:

Monitoring: healthCheck[subject=comment]


This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the 3DComment instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, the procedure applies to the instances installed on the machine.


Apache TomEE is OK.



  1. Set the probe as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -setProbe healthcheck comment url=http://localhost:port/appname/monitoring/healthcheck timeout=n

    where port is the Apache TomEE+ server port, appname is the name of the WAR (or social when the service is deployed on /), and timeout=n is the maximum test duration in milliseconds before considering failure.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DComment service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


healthCheck.statusBooleanSeverity is critical if value is false. Test fails if service cannot be contacted (not running), or if a HTTP error code is returned.
healthCheck.elapsedNumeric (ms)Elapsed time needed for accessing socialServer instance.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console messageAnalysisProcedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for http://localhost:<Apache TomEE Port>/appname/monitoring/healthcheckApache TomEE+ server is not running.Check Apache TomEE+ server.
RC=404 for http://localhost:<Apache TomEE Port>/appname/monitoring/healthcheck WAR file is not deployed. Regenerate WAR file if necessary.

Monitoring: serviceHealthCheck[subject=comment]


This monitoring service represents the result of an applicative scenario composed of the following steps:

  • Login
  • Logout

This is the higher monitoring service of the system and should be taken into account only if all the elements of the chain do not raise issues.


The following conditions are required:

  • Load-Balancers and Reverse Proxies are OK
  • The database is OK
  • All monitoring services for Monitoring Agent and Probes are OK
  • All monitoring services for 3DComment are OK.


We recommend that you install the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.



  1. Create the keystore, as explained in Starting the Monitoring Agent:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh | .bat [-keystore PATH] -setkey < 3DCommentServiceURL>

    Enter the 3DComment admin username and password in the console when prompted to.

  2. Set the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -setProbe swymodt comment odtName=serviceHealthCheck odtClass=com.dassault_systemes.probe.social.authenticate.SocialProbeCommentAuthenticator maxTries=2 delayMs=10000 url=3DCommentServiceURL

    where 3DCommentServiceURL is the 3DComment service URL, maxTries is the number of tries in case of failure, delayMs is the maximum duration delay in milliseconds.

  3. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DComment service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


healthCheck.statusBooleanStatus (OK|KO) of login health check. Severity is critical if value is false. One of the login scenario steps has failed.
healthCheck.elapsedNumeric (ms)Duration, in ms, of login health check. Elapsed time needed for running the full scenario.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console messageAnalysisProcedure
An error has occurred while receiving response from: https://<3DPassport URL>/cas/login?service=https://<3DComment URL>Connectivity issue on Load-Balancer, Reverse Proxies or on 3DPassport.
  • Check 3DPassport monitoring status.
  • Check network connectivity from 3DPassport machines to 3DComment Reverse Proxy.
  • Restart 3DComment Load-Balancer and Reverse Proxy.
An error has occurred while receiving response from: https://<3DPassport URL>/cas/loginIssue on 3DPassport side.Check 3DPassport monitoring status.
## ERROR! loginToSocialServer404 Page not FoundSeveral root causes and probably under the Reverse Proxy.
  • Check Load-Balancer and reverse proxy.
  • Check Apache TomEE+ server on Monitoring Agent and Probes machines.