3DDashboard Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected for the 3DDashboard service.

This page discusses:



This monitoring service represents the result of an applicative scenario composed of the following steps:

  • Login
  • Logout

This is the higher monitoring service of the system and should be taken into account only if all the elements of the chain do not raise issues.



We recommend that you install the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.


The following conditions are required:

  • Load-Balancers and Reverse Proxies are OK
  • the database is OK
  • all monitoring services for 3DPassport are OK
  • all monitoring services for 3DDashboard are OK.



  1. Set the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh | .bat -setProbe dashboard_checkscenariologin 3ddashboard serviceURI=3DDashboardServiceURL user=Login_username pwd=login_password

    where 3DDashboardServiceURL is the 3DDashboard service URL.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DDashboard service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

serviceHealthCheck.statusBooleanStatus (OK|KO) of login health check. Severity is critical if value is false. One of the login scenario steps has failed.
serviceHealthCheck.durationNumeric (ms)Duration, in ms, of login health check. Elapsed time needed for running the full scenario.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console messageAnalysisProcedure
: message: ERROR getPassportURL: … Connectivity issue on Load-Balancer, Reverse Proxies or on 3DPassport.
  • Check 3DPassport monitoring status
  • Check network connectivity from 3DPassport machines to 3DDashboard Reverse Proxy.
  • Restart 3DDashboard Load-Balancer and Reverse Proxies.
message: ERROR getLoginTicket: … Issue on 3DPassport side. Check 3DPassport monitoring status
message: ERROR loginToPod: … Several root causes and probably under the Reverse Proxy.
  • Check the Load-Balancer
  • Check Apache Http server on 3DDashboard machines.
  • Check Apache TomEE+ server instance on 3DDashboard machines.
: message: ERROR getXSRF: … Several root causes, and probably your Monitoring_Scenario_Username is not granted to access 3DDashboard.
  • Check 3DDashboard license for Monitoring_Scenario_Username.
  • Check Apache TomEE+ server instance on 3DDashboard machines.
message: ERROR initCookies 503 - https://<3DDashboard URL>/login - Service Unavailable Several root causes and probably under the Reverse Proxy.
  • Check the Load-Balancer
  • Check Apache HTTP server on 3DDashboard machines.
  • Check Apache TomEE+ server instance on 3DDashboard machines.
message: ERROR 500 Internal Server Error Unknown issue in 3DDashboard
  • Check database connectivity from 3DDashboard machines.
  • Check cache and log directory existence and write access for the user running the Apache HTTP server on 3DDashboard machines.



This monitoring service provides some statistics about the usage of the 3DDashboard service.

Visit definition: A visit is seen as a new one as soon as the user logs on again after having closed his browser, OR after a refresh of the page (F5).




The database is OK.


When activating 3DDashboard service usage monitoring, take the following into account:

  1. Register the database user name and password by running the following command (only once):

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat [-keystore PATH] -setkey " MyJdbcUri "

    Enter MyDBUserName and MyDBPassword in the console when prompted to.

    where MyJdbcUri is the JDBC URI that provides access to the 3DDashboard social schema/database, for instance:

    • Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//MyDBHostName:MyDBPort/MySocialServiceName, or jdbc:oracle:thin:@NetServiceName if using tnsnames.ora catalog file
    • Oracle using TNS names: jdbc:oracle:thin:@MySocialServiceName
    • SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://MyDBHostName:MyDBPort;databaseName=MyDatabase
  2. Set up the probes:
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    -–script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbConcurrentUsers.sql --metric nbConcurrentUsers"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbDashboards.sql --metric nbDashboards"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbDashboardsConsulted.sql --metric nbDashboardsConsulted"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbDashboardsCreated.sql --metric nbDashboardsCreated"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbDeclaredUsers.sql --metric nbDeclaredUsers"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbRegisteredUniqueUsersVisits24h.sql --metric nbRegisteredUniqueUsersVisits24h"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbTabs.sql --metric nbTabs"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbTabsConsulted.sql --metric nbTabsConsulted"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbTabsCreated.sql --metric nbTabsCreated"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbWidgets.sql --metric nbWidgets"
    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe dbquery 3ddashboard EventName=usage Additional=":--uri MyJdbcUri –-tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory 
    --script SqlScriptPath/dashboard.usage.nbWidgetsCreated.sql --metric nbWidgetsCreated"


    • MyJdbcUri is the same JDBC URI used above as key for registered database user name and password
    • SqlScriptPath is:
      • for Oracle: <install_path>/<os>/resources/monitoring/sql_templates/oracle
      • for SQL Server: <install_path>/<os>/resources/monitoring/sql_templates/mssql
    • --tns_admin tnsAdminDirectory has to be used only in the context of an Oracle database when using the tnsnames.ora catalog file, tnsAdminDirectory is the directory containing this file, usually $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
  3. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DDashboard service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

usage.nbConcurrentUsers Numeric

Number of users currently logged on 3DDashboard during the last 5 minutes.

usage.nbDashboards Numeric Number of dashboards (group of tabs) created by users on 3DDashboard.
usage.nbDashboardsConsulted NumericNumber of dashboards (group of tabs) consulted by users on 3DDashboard.
usage.nbDashboardsCreated NumericNumber of dashboards (group of tabs) created by users on 3DDashboard during the last 24 hours.

Number of user accounts on 3DDashboard.


Number of unique logins performed on 3DDashboard during the last 24 hours.

usage.nbTabsNumeric Number of tabs created on 3DDashboard.

Number of tabs consulted on 3DDashboard during the last 24 hours.


Number of tabs created on 3DDashboard during the last 24 hours.

usage.nbWidgetsNumericNumber of widgets created on 3DDashboard.
usage.nbWidgetsCreatedNumericNumber of widgets created on 3DDashboard during the last 24 hours.

Recovery Procedures

Not applicable.