3DNotification Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected by the monitoring agent for the 3DNotification service.

This page discusses:


This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the 3DNotification instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, the procedure applies to the instances installed on the machine.


The following conditions are required:

  • All monitoring services for Monitoring Agent and Probes are OK
  • All monitoring services for 3DPassport are OK


We recommend that you install the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.



  1. Set the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -setProbe serverPingNotificationProbe notification server_url=URL

    where URL is the 3DNotification service URL.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DNotification service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


pingURL.statusBoolean Status (OK|KO) of login health check.