3DPassport Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected for the 3DPassport service.

This page discusses:


We recommend that you install the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.



The following conditions are required:

  • Load-Balancers are OK
  • Reverse-Proxies are OK
  • Database is OK.



  1. Create the keystore, as explained in Starting the Monitoring Agent:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh | .bat [-keystore PATH] -setkey < PASSPORT_URL>

    Enter the 3DPassport admin username and password in the console when prompted to.

  2. Set the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -setProbe iamLoginCheck 3dpassport URL=PASSPORT_URL

    where PASSPORT_URL is the 3DPassport service URL.

  3. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DPassport service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat [-keystore PATH] -o PATH


Metric NameUnitDescription
serviceHealthCheck.statusBooleanStatus (OK|KO) of login health check.
serviceHealthCheck.elapsedmsDuration, in ms, of login health check.