3DSwym Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected for the 3DSwym service.

This page discusses:



This monitoring service represents the result of an applicative scenario composed of the following steps:

  • Login
  • Logout

This is the higher monitoring service of the system and should be taken into account only if all the elements of the chain do not raise issues.


3DSwym Foundation

We recommend that you install the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.


The following conditions are required:

  • Load-Balancers and Reverse Proxies are OK
  • the database is OK
  • all monitoring services for Monitoring Agent and Probes are OK
  • all monitoring services for 3DPassport are OK



  1. Create the keystore, as explained in Starting the Monitoring Agent:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh | .bat [-keystore PATH] -setkey < 3DSwym_URL>

  2. Set the probe:

    startMonitoringAgent.sh |.bat -setProbe swymodt swym odtName=serviceHealthCheck odtClass=com.dassault_systemes.probe.social.authenticate.SocialProbeSwymAuthenticator maxTries=2 delayMs=10000 url=3DSwym_URL

    where 3DSwym_URL is the 3DSwym service URL, maxTries is the number of tries in case of failure, and delayMs is the scenario maximum duration timeout in milliseconds.

  3. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DSwym service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat [-keystore PATH] -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
serviceHealthCheck.status Boolean Status (OK|KO) of login health check. Severity is critical if value is false. One of the login scenario steps has failed.
serviceHealthCheck.elapsed ms Duration, in ms, of login health check. Elapsed time needed for running the full scenario.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
An error has occurred while receiving response from: https://<3DPassport URL>/cas/login?service=https://<3DSwym URL> Connectivity issue on Load-Balancer, Reverse Proxies or on 3DPassport.
  • Check 3DPassport monitoring status
  • Check network connectivity from 3DPassport machines to 3DSwym Reverse Proxy.
  • Restart 3DSwym Load-Balancer and Reverse Proxies.
An error has occurred while receiving response from: https://<3DPassport URL>/cas/login Issue on 3DPassport side. Check 3DPassport monitoring status
## ERROR! loginToSwYm503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Several root causes and probably under the Reverse Proxy.
  • Check Load-Balancer
  • Check Apache Http server on Monitoring Agent and Probes machines.
  • Check Apache TomEE server instances (richMediaServer and widgetPlatform) on Monitoring Agent and Probes machines.
## ERROR! Header Swym-Auth-Ok not found or not equal to 1! Problem on richMediaServer, or connectivity issue to 3DPassport
  • Check network connectivity from Monitoring Agent and Probes machines to 3DPassport.
  • Check Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance.
## ERROR! loginToSwYm500 Internal Server Error Unknown Issue in socialServer instance
  • Check Database connectivity from Monitoring Agent and Probes machines.
  • Check cache and log directory existence and write access for user running Apache Http server on Monitoring Agent and Probes machines.



This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the 3DSwym instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation

We recommend that you install this product on a separate machine, for example on the Reverse Proxy machine.


The following conditions are required:

  • Apache TomEE is OK.



  1. Set up the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh | .bat [-keystore PATH] -setkey < 3DSwym_URL>

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DSwym service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if service cannot be contacted (not running), or if a HTTP error code is returned.
healthCheck.elapsed Numeric (ms)

Elapsed time needed for accessing socialServer instance.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for http://localhost:<Apache TomEE Port>/<appname>/monitoring/healthcheck Apache TomEE server is not running. Check Apache TomEE server.
An error has occurred while receiving response from: https://<3DPassport URL>/cas/loginRC=404 for http://localhost:<Apache TomEE Port>/<appname>/monitoring/healthcheck WAR file is not deployed. Regenerate WAR file if necessary.



This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the widgetPlatform instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation


  • Database is OK
  • Apache TomEE widgetPlatform is OK



  1. Set up the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat|.sh -setProbe healthcheck widgetPlatform url= http://localhost:port/uwp/test-alive timeout=10000

    where port is the Apache TomEE+ widgetplatform server port, and timeout is the maximum test duration in milliseconds before considering failure.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DSwym service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if database cannot be accessed.
healthCheck.elapsed Numeric (ms) Elapsed time needed for accessing widgetPlatform instance.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for http://localhost:<TomEE widgetPlatform HTTP port>/uwp/test-alive TomEE widgetPlatform instance is not running Check Apache TomEE server widgetPlatform instance.
RC=500 for http://localhost:<TomEE widgetPlatform HTTP port>/uwp/test-alive/ Apache TomEE server widgetPlatform instance is not properly deployed Redeploy widgetPlatform web application



This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the richMediaServer instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation


  • Database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK



  1. Set up the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat|.sh -setProbe healthcheck richMediaServer url=http://localhost:port/3dsearch/healthcheck timeout=10000

    where port is the Apache TomEE+ richMediaServer server port, and timeout is the maximum test duration in milliseconds before considering failure.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DSwym service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if database cannot be accessed.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for http://localhost:<TomEE richMediaServer HTTP port>/3dsearch/healthcheck TomEE richMediaServer instance is not running Check Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance.
RC=500 for http://localhost:<TomEE richMediaServer HTTP port>/3dsearch/healthcheck Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance is not properly deployed Redeploy richMediaServer web application



This monitoring service represents an access check (thru HTTP) to the richMediaServer instance, in applicative code. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK.



  1. Set up the probe:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.bat -setProbe pingurl richMediaServer url= http://localhost:port/3dsearch/ping?_DevResponseFormat=0 analyzerName=ContentAnalyzer timeout=10000

    where port is the the Apache TomEE+ richMediaServer server port, and timeout is the maximum test duration in milliseconds before considering failure.

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if monitoring by the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media is installed as a service, or start the monitoring agent from the 3DSwym service installation path as follows:

    StartMonitoringAgentSvc.sh|.bat -o PATH


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.pingURL.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if service cannot be contacted (not running), or if a HTTP error code is returned.
healthCheck.pingURL.elapsed Numeric (ms) Elapsed time needed for accessing richMediaServer instance.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for http://localhost:<TomEE richMediaServer HTTP port>/3dsearch/ping?_DevResponseFormat=0 TomEE richMediaServer instance is not running Check Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance
RC=500 for http://localhost:< TomEE richMediaServer HTTP port>/3dsearch/ping?_DevResponseFormat=0 Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance is not properly deployed Redeploy richMediaServer web application



This monitoring service represents a file write access thru NFS to the Filer (shared folder) from richMediaServer instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
filer.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if shared folder on filer cannot be accessed thru NFS in read or write mode.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
FileWrite: 'ERROR' Filer shared folder cannot be accessed from richMediaServer application.
  • Check NFS server is running
  • Check that shared folder is mounted on machine.
  • Check that the system user running TomEE richMediaServer instance has read and write rights on the shared folder on the Filer.



This monitoring service represents a Database access performed from the richMediaServer instance. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
db.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if Database cannot be accessed or if applicative database user cannot connect to richMediaServer schema.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
DBConnection: 'ERROR' Database (richMediaServer schema) cannot be accessed from richMediaServer application.
  • Check Database server is running
  • Check network connectivity from Monitoring Agent and Probes machine to Database machine.
  • Check that applicative database user configured for accessing richMediaServer schema is granted from this Monitoring Agent and Probes machine.



This monitoring service provides some statistics about the usage of the richMediaServer instance on the 3DSwym service.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • the database is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK
  • db.status[subject=richMediaServer] is OK.


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
usage.nbDeclaredUsers Numeric Number of users that have logged on the richMediaServer instance at least once, and that are now declared in database.
usage.nbFiles Numeric Number of files (original + extracted) uploaded to the richMediaServer and that are now declared in database.

Recovery Procedures

Not applicable.



This Monitoring Service provides some statistics about the usage of the richMediaServer service located on this local machine. Monitoring services are local to the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • the database is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK
  • db.status[subject=richMediaServer] is OK.


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
db.connection.nbConnections Numeric Total number of active connection to the database, established from this local richMediaServer instance.
db.connection.pool.nbBusy Numeric Number of concurrent running connections to the database, established from this richMediaServer instance.
db.connection.pool.size Numeric Number of concurrent allowed connections to the database that can be established from this richMediaServer instance. Connections performed beyond this pool size may be placed in a waiting queue.
db.connection.pool.nbWaiting Numeric Number of database connections currently put in the waiting queue because all pooled connections are currently busy.

Recovery Procedures

Not applicable.



This monitoring service represents the richMediaServer instance status regarding the internal converters. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.processing.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if converter supervisor detects a default in internal converters.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
ERROR Internal converter fatal error Restart Apache TomEE server richMediaServer instance.



This monitoring service represents the connectivity status from the richMediaServer server instance to the socialServer instance running on the same machine. Monitoring services are local to the machine, procedure apply to the instances installed on the machine.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache HTTP server is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=socialServer] is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.socialAccess.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if socialServer cannot be accessed thru HTTP.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
ERROR socialServer is not running. Check Apache HTTP server.



This monitoring service represents the connectivity status from the richMediaServer server instance to the 3DPassport service.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • 3DPassport is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject= richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.passportCASAccess.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if 3DPassport cannot be accessed thru HTTP/HTTPS.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for <3DPassport_URL> 3DPassport service is not running
  • Check 3DPassport server
  • Check Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers located on 3DPassport service machines.
  • Check network connectivity from richMediaServer instance to the 3DPassport service.
RC=500 for <3DPassport URL> 3DPassport service is not running
  • Check 3DPassport server
  • Check Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers located on 3DPassport service machines.
Error message linked to certificate validity 3DPassport service is using a SSL certificate that is refused by richMediaServer instance.
  • Check 3DPassport service certificate has not expired.
  • Check 3DPassport service Certificate Authority is registered in the keystore of the Java Runtime Environment used for running richMediaServer and widgetPlatform TomEE instances.



This monitoring service represents the connectivity status from the richMediaServer server instance to the 3DPassport service, regarding the SOAP APIs.


3DSwym Foundation .


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • 3DPassport is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject= richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.passportWSDLAccess.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if 3DPassport cannot be accessed thru HTTP/HTTPS.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused for <3DPassport_WSDL_URL> 3DPassport service is not running
  • Check 3DPassport server
  • Check Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers located on 3DPassport service machines.
  • Check network connectivity from richMediaServer instance to the 3DPassport service.
RC=500 for <3DPassport_WSDL_URL> 3DPassport service is not running
  • Check 3DPassport server
  • Check Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers located on 3DPassport service machines.
Error message linked to certificate validity 3DPassport service is using a SSL certificate that is refused by richMediaServer instance.
  • Check 3DPassport service certificate has not expired.
  • Check 3DPassport service Certificate Authority is registered in the keystore of the Java Runtime Environment used for running richMediaServer and widgetPlatform TomEE instances.



This monitoring service represents the connectivity status from the richMediaServer server instance located on the 3DSwym Foundation machine to the 3DSwym Video Converter machine thru NFS.


3DSwym Foundation (remotely tests 3DSwym Video Converter ).


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • Video Converters are OK on other machines.
  • NFS Filer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject= richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.sendToVideoConverter.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if richMediaServer cannot write in shared folder located on filer.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
ERROR …\ExternalConversionService\input Connectivity issue this filer, or misconfiguration on 3DSwym Video Converter machines.
  • Check NFS filer is OK
  • Check that the system user running richMediaServerInstance TomEE instance has write access rights on shared folder located on the Filer.
  • Check that the shared folder is mounted on 3DSwym Video Converter machines with same mount path as on 3DSwym Foundation machines.
  • Check that the system user running the ExternalConverterSvc daemon on 3DSwym Video Converter machines has write access rights on shared folder located on the Filer.
  • Check that the ExternalConverterSvc daemon has been already been run at least once from at least one of the 3DSwym Video Converter machines
  • Repair the 3DSwym Video Converter instance by relaunching its installation in reconfiguration mode, and check that a CheckInputAccess.txt file has been created in the <sharedFolder>/ExternalConversionService/input directory



This monitoring service represents the connectivity status from the 3DSwym Video Converter machine to the richMediaServer server instance located on the 3DSwym Foundation machine thru HTTP and NFS.


3DSwym Foundation (remotely tests 3DSwym Video Converter ).


The following conditions are required:

  • the database is OK
  • Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers are OK
  • Apache TomEE richMediaServer is OK
  • Apache HTTP server is OK
  • Video Converters are OK on other machines.
  • NFS Filer is OK
  • healthCheck[subject=richMediaServer] is OK


Activation is performed automatically when healthCheck.pingURL[subject=richMediaServer] is activated.


Here are the metrics:

Name Type Meaning
healthCheck.receiveFromVideoConverter.status Boolean Severity is critical if value is false. Test fails if ExternalConverterSvc daemon located on one of the 3DSwym Video Converter machines cannot contact one richMediaServerInstance.

Recovery Procedures

Monitoring console message Analysis Procedure
ServerAccess_<UUID>.txt: ERROR Could not connect to <3DSwYm service URL> HTTP/HTTPS connectivity issue
  • Check Reverse Proxies and Load-Balancers
  • Check Apache HTTP server
  • Check Apache TomEE richMediaServer
  • Check network connectivity from 3DSwym Video Converter to 3DSwym Reverse Proxy
ServerAccess_<UUID>.txt: ERROR Error message linked to certificate validity 3DSwym service is using on its Reverse Proxy a SSL certificate that is refused by ExternalConverterSvc daemon instance located on 3DSwym Video Converter
  • Check 3DSwym service certificate is not expired.
  • Check 3DSwym service Certificate Authority is registered in the keystore of the Java Runtime Environment used for running ExternalConverterSvc daemon on all 3DSwym Video Converter machines.