License Server Metrics

This section contains an exhaustive list of all metrics collected for the License server service.

Table 1. License Server Metrics: Health

Applies to checking License Server service health from the machine where the license server is running.

To activate these metrics, run the following commands from the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media installation:

Note: The MonitoringAgentAndProbes media must be installed on the same server where the DS License Server is installed.
  1. Set up the probe:|.bat -setProbe diskusagesla dsls dsLicenseServerIniPath=FILE

  2. Restart the 3DMonitoringAgent service if you installed the MonitoringAgentAndProbes media as service, or start the monitoring agent from the command line as follows:|.bat -o PATH

where FILE is the absolute path of a file which must be created before running the monitoring agent and contains:


where PATH is the path of the directory where the DS License Server has been installed, and PORT is the administration port of the DS License Server.

If the DS License Server was installed on Windows, use the DSLicenseServerInstallationPath, for example as follows: C:\\Program Files\\Dassault Systemes\\DS License Server\\.

Note: If a password has been set, create a keystore containing this password. You can set the username to any value, for example admin. For more information, see Starting the Monitoring Agent and Monitoring Agent Options.
CategoryMetric NameSubjectUnitDescription
LoginserviceHealthCheck.status spaceBoolean Status (OK|KO) of login health check.
serviceHealthCheck.elapsed spacems Duration, in ms, of login health check.
Alert CriteriaAn alert with highest priority must be raised by the monitoring solution if the serviceHealthCheck.status metric is received with a KO status. In this case, the license server must be restarted.