Metrics Common to All Services

This section contains an exhaustive list of metrics common to all services.

Common to all services

Metric NameUnitDescription
healthCheck.statusEnumAvailability of the Monitoring Agent
version.releaseIntegerVersion's release (e.g. currently 6)
version.majorIntegerVersion's major (e.g. 420 in R2018x)
version.minorIntegerVersion's minor (e.g. 0 for GA)
version.buildDatemsVersion's build date, in milliseconds since UNIX Epoch GMT
Alert Criteria

A high priority alert message should be raised by the monitoring solution if the healthCheck.status event is not found for a period of time longer than the amount of time between each request for monitoring information. The monitoring solution should restart the agent.

If the monitoring agent was stopped as part of a planned maintenance operation, this alert will not be sent.