To activate unauthenticated JMX remote access on a
given port, edit the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments of the Java application server hosting the 3DSpace Service web application.
Methods for activating JMX remote access vary from one application
server to another, and even for a given application server type,
many options (SOAP, RMI or proprietary transport, authentication
schemes, etc.) are available.
Here are the certified methods for 3DEXPERIENCE supported application servers: - Apache TomEE++
Add the following lines (assuming the JMX port will be 9999, which can
be changed) to the mxEnv.sh and mxEnvCAS.sh files: export CATALINA_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -
Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9999 -
Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -
- Optional:
To move the display of the MCS Metrics Mbeans under a domain, add the following lines to the mxEnv.sh and
mxEnvCAS.sh files:
where DOMAIN is the domain under which the MCS Metrics will be registered.
- Restart the application server.