Managing Large Assemblies in Embedded Integration

The Cache Management functionality provided by CATIA V5 improves the ability of designers to work with large assemblies opened in session, by replacing geometry documents by CGRs. This comes at an additional cost during open to generate CGRs from the CATPart documents instead of only loading them.

The embedded integration automatically downloads the CGRs stored in ENOVIA V6 to avoid regenerating them if cache management is activated. If an up-to-date CGR is already present in CATIA V5 cache, then the CGR is not regenerated or downloaded thereby improving the performance of the Open feature.

Note: If Cache Management is activated in CATIA, the connector automatically downloads the CGRs irrespective of the Related Design option selected in the Open dialog box. However, the downloaded CGR does not appear in the local workspace directory unless it is explicitly requested using the Related Design option.

For details on activating Cache Management, see Infrastructure User's Guide.