Setting up Batch Rename and Background Derived Output Processing

Some values within the mxcatiav5batchprocessor.bat or EV6CatiaV5DerivedOutputProcessor.bat files and DSCBatchProcessorCATIAV5Config.xml file must be modified. The following steps show the values that must be specified in these files for configuring batch rename or background derived output.

  1. The mxcatiav5batchprocessor.bat or EV6CatiaV5DerivedOutputProcessor.bat file must be edited using the following steps:

    For WINDOWS client,

    Open EV6CatiaV5DerivedOutputProcessor.bat or mxcatiav5batchprocessor.bat file and specify the following values:

    1. Set CATIA_INSTALL_DIR to CATIA V5 Installation folder
    2. Set BATCHPROCESSOR_INSTALL_DIR to the location from where the batch processor will be executed.
    3. Set ENV_FILE_NAME to the environment file name without extension, located in ENV_FILE_LOCATION
    4. Set ENV_FILE_LOCATION to the location where environment file specified in variable ENV_FILE_NAME is present.

      The EV6CatiaV5DerivedOutputProcessor.bat and mxcatiav5batchprocessor.bat file contains a sample for a Win32-bit machine.

  2. For UNIX client,

    Open or file and specify the following values:

    1. Set CATSTART_LOCATION to CATIA V5 Installation folder
    2. Set BATCHPROCESSOR_INSTALL_DIR to the location from where the batch processor will be executed.
    3. Set ENV_FILE_NAME to the environment file name without extension, located inside ENV_FILE_LOCATION.
    4. Set ENV_FILE_LOCATION to the location where environment file specified in variable ENV_FILE_NAME is present.

      The mxcatiav5batchprocessor.bat and file contains a sample for an AIX machine.

  3. Open DSCBatchProcessorConfig.xml and navigate to the following node:

    Batchprocessor > operationlist > operation name > integrationslist > integration name="MxCATIAV5

    Provide the following values inside above node:

    1. version="V6R20xxx", where xxx is the installation version. For example, V6R2013x.
    2. <implementationclass> node contains the following class path:

      For Batch Rename--com.matrixone.MCADIntegration.applications.batchprocessor.DSCBatchProcessorCATIAV5Instance

      For Background Derived Output--com.matrixone.MCADIntegration.applications.batchprocessor.DSCBatchDerivedOutputCATIAV5Instance

    3. <configfile> node contains path for DSCBatchProcessorCATIAV5Config.xml located in BATCHPROCESSOR_INSTALL_DIR.

      for example, D:\DSCBatchProcessor\config\DSCBatchProcessorCATIAV5Config.xml

  4. Open DSCBatchProcessorCATIAV5Config.xml and provide the following:
    1. Specify the correct cseversion (V6R20xxx, where xxx is the installation version). For example, V6R3013x.
    2. Specify the harnessversion (R2xx, where xx is the installation version of X-CAD Design Management). For example, R215.
    3. Specify the debug log directory as BATCHPROCESSOR_INSTALL_DIR\logs.

      By default, the LCO attribute IEF-SelectedBackgroundDerivedOutputs is enforced to none. After configuring background derived output processing, the administrator must remove the enforcement.

      The file formats in which background derived outputs are generated should be defined in the GCO by the administrator.