Adding Attributes in Baseline Behavior Data

You can add attributes to CATIA V5 baseline behavior data such as CATPart For Team, CATProduct For Team, and CATDrawing For Team.

Before you begin: Log in to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform as a user with the Administrator role.
  1. In the global toolbar, open the Configure My Content page.
  2. Select the Attributes tab.
    In the Summary of Added Attributes area, the number of attributes created for each type is displayed.
  3. From Design, select one of the following:

    • MCAD Assembly
    • MCAD Component
    • MCAD Drawing
    • MCAD Representation

  4. In the Add Attributes to type xxx area (where xxx is the selected type), enter these details:
    Field NameDescription
    TypeSelect the type of attribute value from boolean, real, or string.
    Note: String types are limited to 16, 40, or 80 characters.

    The following table lists the maximum number of new attributes that can be added for each type:

    TypeMaximum number of new attributes
    String(16) 4
    String(40) 7
    String(80) 3
    Real 4
    Boolean 2

    Name Type a name for external name of the attribute.
    Default Value (optional) Optional: Type a string or numerical or boolean value.
    Authorized Value/Help ValueSelect one of the following options:
    • Authorized Value: Only one of the listed values is considered as the value of the attribute.
    • Help Value: You can use either one of the listed values or enter any other value for the attribute.
    Text box for Authorized valuesType comma separated predefined values for the attribute.
    MandatorySelect the check box to make this attribute mandatory.
    Read-Only Select the check box to grant read-only permission for this attribute, to a user.
    IndexedSelect to index the attribute for full text search.
  5. Click +.
    The attribute is added in the Added Attributes area.
  6. Click Deploy.
  7. In the Configure My Data page, select the Deployment tab.

    Some .CATNls files are modified on deployment and these files must be manually replaced in the CATIA V6 installation directory.

  8. In the Download localization files (.CATNls) area, click Download.
    A .zip file containing the modified .CATNls files is downloaded to your computer.
  9. Unzip the .CATNls files to <CATIA V6 install_dir>\win_b64\resources\msgcatalog directory.
  10. Optional: Click Reset.
    All attributes added in the current session are removed. Reset does not impact the deployed attributes.
  11. Run the Warutil utility to restart the web application server (WAS).

The attribute is deployed. For CATIA V5 Component for Team or CATIA V5 Assembly for Team documents, the new attributes are displayed in the following dialog boxes:

  • Field in the Properties page of a document in X-CAD Design Management.
  • Field in Advanced Search dialog box of CATIA V6 for queries on CATIA V5 Component for Team or CATIA V5 Assembly for Team.
  • Column in search results.
  • Field in Properties dialog box in embedded integration.