Before any check in, the 3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility checks the status of each object in X-CAD Design Management. Any object is valid or selected for check in only if it is NEW / MODIFIED for 3DEXPERIENCE. You can only modify an object if it is unlocked, or it is locked by you. If the objects EXISTS, it is not selected for import. In the 3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility dialog box, the Allow saving of incomplete structures check box has been provided. By selecting this check box, you can skip the invalid documents and save the rest of the design structure. This check box is not selected by default. The tooltip of the check box provides this information: child documents failing validation will be skipped. The table given below explains the two important cases:
The following table lists the check in criteria depending on the document status and lock status:
3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility only recognizes the following file types as the root node to be imported:
All viewable types associated with the objects being checked in are processed based on the derived output selection in the Preferences page. All links (pointed files) of the documents being processed are followed to preserve data consistency. It is recommended to check the data consistency and fix any broken links before the import to ensure that the correct structure is being updated in the database. Execute import through Batch without login panel
a.Bxx:XCADConnector installation version b.SERVER_URL:URL of the server c.CUSTOM_BATCH_LOCATION: d.LOGIN_TICKET:The login ticket specific to the user, which is generated by login through web. Experience Configuration->Manage Login Ticket->create CUSTOM_BATCH.bat can contain: "C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\Bxx\win_b64\code\bin\CATSTART.exe" -run CATBatchStarter.exe -object "-input <XML_BATH_LOCATION> -output <LOG_PATH>" -env <ENV_FILE_NAME> -direnv "<ENV_FILE_LOCATION>" a.Bxx:CATIA installation version b.XML_BATH_LOCATION:The location of XML file which contain checkin object. c.LOG_PATH:Location of log file. d.ENV_FILE_NAME:CATIA Environment file name e.ENV_FILE_LOCATION:the location where environment file specified in variable ENV_FILE_NAME |