The names of the valid ENOVIA types are the same as the types used in
the MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping section.
Examples of ENOVIA types are:
- CATPart
- CATProduct
- CATDrawing
- CATIA V4 Model
- CATIA Design Table
- CATMaterial
- CATShape
- CATAnalysis
- CATAnalysisResults
- CATAnalysisComputations
- CATIA Catalog
- CATProcess
- CATIA Embedded Component
- IDF Model
ENOVIA Attributes
An ENOVIA attribute may be an ENOVIA system attribute, or an ENOVIA
user-defined attribute.
ENOVIA system attributes are denoted with a $$ prefix and postfix
(e.g. $$description$$). The following ENOVIA system attributes can be
used for ENOVIA to CATIA V5 mapping:
- $$description$$
- $$owner$$
- $$type$$
- $$name$$
- $$revision$$
- $$id$$
The following ENOVIA system attributes can be used for CATIA V5 to ENOVIA
- $$description$$
- $$owner$$
The names of the valid CATIA V5 types are the same as the types used
in the MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping section.
Examples of CATIA V5 types are:
- component
- assembly
- drawing
- v4model
- designTable
- cgr
- iges
- vrml
- analysis
CATIA V5 Attributes
CATIA V5 attributes may be CATIA system properties, user-defined properties,
user-defined parameters, CATIA V5 system material (CATMaterial), drawing
text, drawing table entries, or 2D Component modifiable text.
CATIA V5 attributes are represented in GCO attribute mapping with
different prefixes, depending on attribute type. The following is a list
of prefixes for different CATIA attribute types:
CATIA Attribute Type |
Prefix |
System |
sys: |
User-defined Custom attribute |
cus: |
User-defined Parameter |
param: |
Drawing text |
text: |
Drawing Table |
table: |
2D Component modifiable text |
2DComponent |
For a given CATIA V5 document, a user-defined property can have the
same name as a user-defined parameter. Having different prefixes for
different CATIA V5 attribute types allows the administrator to provide
mapping for attributes with same name but with different types.
System Attributes
System attributes can be mapped by using a prefix of sys: to the attribute
The integration uses the following reserved names for the CATIA
V5 system properties:
- sys:Part Number
- sys:Revision
- sys:Definition
- sys:Nomenclature
- sys:Source
- sys:Description
The following system attributes are supported only for CATIA V5 to ENOVIA
mapping for CATIAV5 CATPart, CATShape, CATProduct, and Embedded component:
- sys:Density
- sys:Mass
- sys:Centerofgravity
- sys:Inertiamatrix
- sys:Volume
- sys:Surfacearea
- sys:Boundingbox
- sys:Version
While mapping the above attributes, note that:
- The CATIA document contains geometry, which provides it with volume,
center of gravity, and other inertia properties.
- It also references material, which gives it mass.
- Attribute mapping for Version is not applicable to embedded components.
This is a permanent restriction.
- If a CATPart or CATProduct is assembled in an angular orientation,
its bounding box computation is not accurate. This is because the bounding
box computation considers the bounding boxes of individual parts, and
their position with respect to the global position; it does not include
direction cosines.
- The attribute Density is not relevant for CATProduct and Embedded
Components made of heterogeneous material. Hence it is recommended to
avoid the mapping of Density for Products and Embedded components. If
mapping is done for Density for Products and Embedded components made
up of heterogeneous material, then the resultant output value will be
User-defined Parameter Attributes
User-defined Parameter attributes can be mapped by using a prefix of
param: to the attribute name.
A CATIA V5 document has two kinds of knowledge parameters:
- parameters automatically created by CATIA applications
- parameters created by the user
Both appear the same in the CATIA user interface (for example, using the
F(x) icon) and both can be renamed by the user. However, only parameters
created by the user can be used to define properties mapping between
Drawing Text, Drawing Tables, and 2D Components Modifiable Text
This section lists some guidelines for mapping parameters for Drawing Text, Drawing Tables, and 2D Components Modifiable Text.
- The parameters can be specified in any sequence.
- The parameters sheet and view in the attribute mapping are optional.
- Sheet and view parameters are supported in case the name of the drawing
text, table or 2D component is not unique across all sheets or all views.
- If mapping for Sheet is omitted, or the value is the empty string,
all sheets are searched. If mapping for View is omitted, or the value
is the empty string, all views are searched.
- Providing both a sheet name and a view name benefit performance,
as integration will search for the attribute only in the given sheet
and view.
- Specifying both view and sheet names however, does not remove issues
associated with having multiple 2D components with the same name in the
same view.
- In ENOVIA to CATIA V5 attribute mapping, if there are multiple text,
table, or 2D component text instances that match the search criteria
defined in the GCO, all text, tables, or 2D component text that match
the search criteria will be updated based on the value retrieved from
- In CATIA to ENOVIA attribute mapping, if there are multiple text,
table, or 2D component text instances that match the search criteria
defined in the GCO, the results are unpredictable. One instance is used
to read the value; however, there is no way to identify which instance
was read.
- Table cells and 2DComponent text with multiple lines are supported.
PDM Attributes
PDM attributes are for internal use by the integration. The integration
stores information about document TNRV in PDM attributes inside the document.
During the next checkin operation, the integration reads TNRV stored
in these attributes from the document and sends it to Designer Central.
PDM attributes are supported only for selected CATIA file types. The
CATIA file types for which attribute mapping is supported are:
- CATPart
- CATProduct
- CATDrawing
- CATProcess
- CATAnalysis
- CATMaterial
- catalog