Save Dialog Box

The Save dialog box contains a list of all the documents that are new, modified, pointed by open documents in the active session, missing, and non-file documents (VPMV5, VPMV4, and SmarTeam). To access this page, in the CATIA toolbar, select 3DEXPERIENCE platform > Advanced Save.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

Columns Table

Column NameDescription
StatusThe status of each document is indicated by one of the following icons:
  • : The document is new and does not exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • : The document is modified as per the current iteration stored in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • : The document is updated. The current iteration is same in CATIA, and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • : The embedded component's name is not unique. In the Actions column, appears for the embedded components.
  • : You have not locked the document. A warning message appears when you save documents with this status in the Save dialog box. Click Yes to save, or click No to return to the Save dialog box.
    Note: To enable this message, ensure that the Report unlocked modified documents check box is selected.
  • : Is displayed for the following statuses of the documents, depending on the text of the tool tip that appears (when you pause the mouse over the status icon):
    • Obsolete: A later iteration of the document exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. If you save this document, the modifications that are performed in the latest iteration are reverted.
      Note: You must have specific rights, and settings to save the document, and create a new iteration.
    • In conflict of UUID: A document with the same name exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You can either rename the document and save it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, or create an iteration of the document in the Save dialog box.
      Note: When you create a new iteration of the document and save it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, the links with the earlier iteration are broken.
    • Document not found on disk or in 3DEXPERIENCE platform: A missing document, or a non-file document (VPMV5, VPMV4, or SmarTeam).
    • Auto-recognized Design: A document with the same name exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You can either rename the document and save it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, or create an iteration or a major revision of the document in the Save dialog box.

ActionThe default action selected for the documents. One of the following actions is displayed, depending on the status of the document in the Status column:
  • : The documents are included for save. This is set for all the new, or modified documents, and for the new embedded components with a unique name.
  • : The documents are selected for a force save. For the documents with the status, the Actions column is blank. To force save these documents, click the Actions column.
  • : The documents cannot be saved due to one of the following reasons:
    • The embedded component name is not unique. The Status column displays for these embedded components.
    • The document is not included for save.
  • : The documents cannot be saved due to one of the following reasons:
    • The document that is selected for save is locked by another user.
    • The document is obsolete, and leap frogging is disabled.
    • Saving to the target revision is not allowed. This can happen when you try to save a recent revision of the document to an older revision.
The name of the workspace, or project folder that contain the document. If there are several folders, the additional folders are listed in a tooltip.

When you right-click any workspace, or workspace folder on the Folder Selection Window, you get an option to create a new folder inside that workspace, or folder. The new folder is created after you enter a name, and a description.

NameThe name of the document, that is also the name associated with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform object.

An encoded string is displayed for the non-file documents such as VPMV5, VPMV4, or SmarTeam. Pause over the name to view the environment, and the location where the document is located.

RevYou can select a revision to save a document using the following methods:
  • For a new document, click the revision to save the document to the first revision in the sequence. For example, A.0.
  • For a modified document, click the revision, and select a revision from the list of existing revisions. The document is saved to the selected revision.
  • To enter a custom revision to save your documents, click the revision, and type in the custom revision. The iteration is appended automatically to the revision. For example, if the revision is entered as H, the revision is displayed as H.0 in the Save dialog box.

You can control the revisions to be generated, and save the time involved in deleting unwanted revisions.

The default value of the target revision in the Save dialog box depends on the value of the IEF-TargetRevOptionForSave flag. You can set the value as Current, Next, or Selective.

ValueObject Maturity StatusBehavior in the Embedded Integration mode
CurrentIf the object is finalized

1. The default revision shown in the Save dialog box will be the current revision.

2. The option Create new Major Revision will not be available.

If the object is not finalized

1. The default revision shown in the Save dialog box will be the current revision, if the create version option is FALSE.

The default revision shown in the Save dialog box will be the next version of the current revision, if the create version option is TRUE.

2. The option Create new Major Revision will not be available.

NextIf the object is finalized

1. The default revision shown in the Save dialog box will be the next major revision.

2. The list will show the current revision, and the other existing revisions.

3. The option Create new Major Revision will not be available.

If the object is not finalized

1. The default target revision will be the current revision.

2. The list will show the next available, and the other existing revisions.

3.The option Create new major Revision will be available.

SelectiveIf the object is finalized/Not finalized

1. The default target revision will be the current revision.

2. The list will show the next available, and the other existing revisions.

3.The option Create new major Revision will be available.

If you try to save a document that does not have the privileges to save the selected revision, an error message appears.

Note: By default, the documents are saved to their current revision. If you do not have the rights to save to the selected revision, is displayed in the Action colulmn. Pause over to view the reason.
The current lock status. One of the following icons appears for the listed documents:
  • : The document is locked by the current user.
  • : The document is locked by another user, whose name is appended.
  • : The document is not locked.
Note: The documents cannot be locked, and unlocked from the Save dialog box.
Locked ByThe owner of the document lock.
TypeThe type of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform object associated with a document. For new documents, click the type name, and select the document type (to which the document should be saved) from the list. By default, there is only one type for all kinds of documents, that can be saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

You must specify a target 3DEXPERIENCE folder on individual rows of the Save dialog box. You can assign folder from the new Folder menu item. The Save operation will be disabled if a target folder is not set.

If all the selected rows are assigned the same target folder, the Folder Chooser will expand to that folder. If all the selected rows are not assigned the same target folder, the Folder Chooser lists the available folders.

StateThe current lifecycle state of the document in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
DescriptionThe description text entered while saving the document to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Collaborative SpaceThe name of the project associated with a document.

Contextual Menu

The following options are available when you right-click documents in the Save dialog box:

Exclude from Save scopeExcludes the selected documents from save. If you exclude a product from the save scope, its embedded components will not be saved. The embedded components in the NEW state will not be saved, if the parent product is an existing object and excluded from save scope.
Include in Save ScopeIncludes the selected documents for save. If you include an embedded component in save scope, its parent product will also get included in save scope. If you include an existing product in the save scope, all associated embedded components (in the NEW state) will also be saved.
Create New Major RevisionSaves the selected documents to the next revision in the revision sequence.
Explore in 3DEXPERIENCE platformDisplays the Properties page of a document. This command can be used only on a single document.
AutoNameRenames the new embedded components with unique names. and appear in the Status, and Action columns for these embedded components.
Derived OutputsSets the specific types of derived outputs for each document type (for the current save session).
RecognizeOpens the Recognize dialog box. In this dialog box, all the objects that can be recognized with the selected object are displayed. You can select any object from the list, and click OK. The object information appears in the Save dialog box.

If you save a part in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform from a folder (Folder 1) and then move this part to another folder (Folder 2), then the part is shown as new in the Save dialog box.

When you perform the Recognize operation on this part, it will be recognized with the existing objects in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

If multiple users of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform are working on the same client computer, each user must have his own ENOVIA local workspace folder.

Note: The right-click options are not available for the non-file documents (VPMV5, VPMV4, and SmarTeam).