Importing Existing Data

You can import existing data to ENOVIA using the 3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility tool. This tool allows you to check in documents with NEW or MODIFIED status in batch or silent mode for Embedded Integration mode. Embedded Integration mode is available only for X-CAD Design Management version V6R2011x and later.

Before you begin:
  • You should know how to run standard CATIA V5 utilities using CATIA Batch Monitor. For more information, see Batches and Plug-in Methods section in 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Guide.
  • Using Tools > Options, set Cache mode in CATIA V5 to ensure appropriate processing of large data while using 3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility.
  1. Launch 3DEXPERIENCE import utility using CATIA Batch Monitor.
  2. In the Document Selection area, click Open.

    The File Selection dialog box appears.

    It is recommended to load the pointed documents for each assembly while processing the top level document for import. Selecting the pointed documents for individual import increases the overall processing time. The result while selecting all pointed documents or selecting just the top level documents for import is the same.

    In the Selected Operation section, click Select Folder to browse a folder. The folder you select appears in the Target 3DEXPERIENCE Folder area in the Document Selection section.

  3. In the Input Options area, click All to choose all the files in a specified directory for import. Each of these files are treated as the root document and the utility checks in each document and documents it points to. For more information, see Batches and Plug-in Methods section in 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Guide.

    Note: It is recommended that the following options are not used in Input Options area to avoid unnecessary processing and reporting:

    Select pointed documents

    Extend selection to sub directories: All eligible documents present in a directory and its sub-directories are considered. It is recommended to use this option only when directory or subdirectory contains documents that are not pointed by one of the selected documents. It is recommended to select only the root documents of an assembly to import.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Enter the following parameters in the 3DEXPERIENCE import utility dialog box. Parameters vary according to the platform and the selected Integration Mode.
    Area Option Description
    Integration Mode Embedded Integration By default, Embedded Integration is selected.
    Server Information Username Enter the user name assigned to you.
    Password Enter the password assigned to you.
    Import Settings Behavior on Existing Documents Select one of the following options:
    • Create a New Iteration: Creates a new iteration if an earlier Iteration of any document already exists in the database. This is the default option.
    • Overwrite the Existing Iteration: Overwrites earlier Iteration of any document which already exists in the database.
    • Keep the Existing Iteration: No checks are done to verify whether an earlier iteration of any document already exists in the database. In this case, no new modifications are added in the database.
    Allow saving of incomplete structures Select this check box to skip child documents that fail validations during import, and save rest of the documents in a structure. This option prevents entire structures being skipped when child components in these structures fail validations during import.
    Output Target Directory Click Open to browse and select a location where the report files of the import in htm format are saved.
    Report Name Enter a name for the report.
    Append String to Document Report Enter a string. The value is appended to the file name of the generated htm report file.

    An error message appears when Check Credentials in ENOVIA V6 Server Information area is clicked after CATIA V5 is connected to 3DEXPERIENCE.

  6. Click Run to start the import process.

    The Run option is not deactivated when an import is in progress. Clicking Run multiple times duplicates the processes. Running multiple processes simultaneously causes issues during import.A silent applet of the server URL opens in the browser and the import process starts in the background.This browser window must not be closed when the batch process is running.

    A command prompt appears when the import process is in progress.

    Once the import process is complete, this window closes automatically and a report is generated and saved at the location entered as the Target Directory.

    The browser must be closed after the import process is complete. Only one import process should be run at a time. In case of an import failure, the changes are not rolled back. The documents that are saved to 3DEXPERIENCE before failure of the process are retained. Only pre-selected Derived Outputs in the preferences are considered. Derived Outputs cannot be modified for each object. You can set the derived outputs from the Preferences page.

  7. Open the output report in the browser.
  8. In the ENOVIA V6 Server Information area, click Check Credentials.
    The Login to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform dialog box appears. The User Name and Password are retained from the values entered in the ENOVIA V6 Server Information area. You can log in with a different user if required.
  9. Click OK.
    The Credentials dialog box appears.
  10. Select an option and click OK.