Viewing the Where Used Details of a Document

You can view the where used details of a document. If you modify a document, you can use the where used details to list the documents associated with the modified document.

Before you begin: Search the documents available in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform from the Open dialog box. For more information, see Searching Documents.
  1. In the Results area, select the required document.
  2. Right-click the selected document and select Where Used.
    The options in the Where Used tab appears and the documents associated with the selected document are listed in the Results area of the Open dialog box.
  3. Optional: Enter these details.

    Design iterationSelect a design iteration from the list. Following options are available:
    • As Built: Searches for the parent documents associated with the selected document. Displays latest iteration.
    • Latest Revision: Searches for the latest revision of parent documents of the selected object.
    Search LevelType the required search level. By default, the search level is set to All.

  4. Optional: Click .

The documents associated with the selected document are listed in the Results area according to the option selected.