Remove Content from Libraries
You can remove an object, which is added under the general class using the Remove Content option from the libraries.
The selected object is removed from the general class.
Remove Content from LibrariesYou can remove an object, which is added under the general class using the Remove Content option from the libraries. The selected object is removed from the general class. Drag and Drop ContentYou can drag an object and drop it to the Content view of a general class in the Libraries. Add or Remove Favorite LibrariesYou can add or remove libraries from favorites in the Libraries. View PropertiesYou can view and edit the attributes of libraries, classes, and classified items in Libraries. Change ViewsYou can change the views in Libraries. Expand or Collapse ObjectsYou can expand or collapse the library structure in Libraries. Select ObjectsYou can select the objects as per your preference in Libraries. Customize ViewsYou can customize how you view objects when library contents are displayed in Tree List View in Libraries.