Display Charts
The following charts are available:
Chart Title | Description |
Late Change Actions |
Number of change actions with non-closed maturity (all states except 'Complete' and 'Canceled') for which the due date is in the past. |
Open Change Actions |
Number of change actions with non-closed maturity (all states except 'Complete' and 'Canceled'). |
Open Change Actions by due date |
Number of change actions with non-closed maturity (all states except 'Complete' and 'Canceled') per due date (within 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, more than 3 weeks). |
Affected items by maturity |
List of affected items by maturity state. |
Change actions duration in days by organization |
Average duration (in days) of change actions, sorted by responsible organization. |
Affected items type |
List of affected items by object type. |