Creative Experience

Creative Experience is designed to easily build 3D interactive experiences from existing content.

Creative Experience provides the following key capabilities:

  • Author your experience:
    • Create and manage different interactive actors in the experience.
    • Enhance actors by adding and configuring:
      • predefined library behaviors or
      • custom behaviors that can be easily scripted with JavaScript.
    • Create scenarios with Natural Language or JavaScript to manage interactions between actors.
  • Play your experience by executing the scenario and behaviors. The experience can be directly played in the app or in the cross-platform player, 3DPlay.

Creative Experience can be used in cooperation with other apps such as the Experience Models Preparation app. For example, actors can reference content that already exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. In some cases, you need to prepare the content in the Experience Models Preparation app before reusing it in your experience.

This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.