About 3D UI Actors

3D UI Actors are 3D planar actors that you can position in the 3D area to easily interact with an experience.

See Also
Creating 3D UI Actors
Editing 3D UI Actors

You can create and customize two different types of 3D UI actors: image buttons and web viewers.

Type Description Example
3D Image Button

Displays an image button.

For example, you can use a 3D image button to represent a phone's touch button and to add interactions.

3D Web Viewer

Displays an interactive and dynamic web page (external or local link).

For example, you can use a 3D web viewer to represent the content of a computer monitor.

Important: If you use a high-resolution device in a VR environment, you may experience display scaling issues with 3D UI actors. Verify that your Windows display is scaled to 100%.