Boat Controller Properties

Boat Controller properties are managed through the Properties panel. You can view and modify them.

This page discusses:


Defines whether or not a behavior is active during a playing session.
  • An inactive behavior or script is not executed during a playing session.
  • The behavior's activity depends on the actor's activity. If its associated actors are inactive, the behavior is also inactive.


Defines the acceleration of the boat.
Angular Speed
Defines the angular speed of the boat.
Compute Direction Axis
Automatically defines the direction axis of the boat.
Direction Axis
Defines the local axis that indicates the forward direction of the boat.
Note: This property is available only if Compute Direction Axis is cleared.
Simulate Waves
Creates realistic boat movements.
Stick Coefficient
Defines how the boat will follow a path.

For example, if the stick coefficient is 1, the boat will exactly follow the path.


Move Forward
Defines the key that moves the boat forward.
Move Backward
Defines the key that moves the boat backward.
Turn Left
Defines the key that makes the boat rotate to the left.
Turn Right
Defines the key that makes the boat rotate to the right.


Use Gamepad
Lets you interact in the experience using a gamepad.
Maximum Speed
Defines the maximum speed of the boat.
Defines the value used to compute the buoyancy of the boat.
Inertia Factor
Defines the coefficient of inertia.
  • 0: no inertia
  • Above 0: a coefficient of inertia is applied.

Associated Capacities

  • Has Reached
  • Has Completed
  • Is Sailing To
  • Is Sailing Along
  • Sails To
  • Sails Along