- Increases the speed of the helicopter.
Angular Speed
- Defines the rotation speed of the helicopter.
Following Track Distance
- Sets the distance between the position of the helicopter and its
destination on a path.
Landing Distance
- Defines the distance at which the helicopter automatically starts
- This property is available with the Go To capacity.
- To make the helicopter land properly, you should place the local axis
at the base of the skids or wheels.
Automatic Landing Height
- Defines the altitude at which the helicopter automatically starts
This property is available when you control the helicopter
with the keyboard or gamepad.
Inertia Factor
- Defines the coefficient of inertia.
- 0: no inertia
- Above 0: a coefficient of inertia is applied.
Obstacle Detection Distance
- Defines the distance at which the helicopter checks for obstacles.
Obstacle Detection Frequency
- Defines the frequency of obstacles detection based on the distance traveled
by the helicopter.